Project: Coastal Governance and Adaptation Policies in the Mediterranean (COASTGAP)

Financing institution: MED Programme

Duration of the project:  01/07/2013 – 30/04/2015

Project description: The Mediterranean coastal zones are among the most threatened by Climate Change effects, also considering their environmental and infrastructural value and concomitant strains like erosion, salt water intrusion, littoralization, etc.. The project COASTGAP was born after more than 10 years of shared experiences in this field, among many Mediterranean coastal Administrations and Institutions, which established the cluster FACECOAST ( in 2011. COASTGAP aimed to capitalize 12 best practices from 9 projects of the cluster (from MED and other programmes), to produce governance and adaptation policies aimed to reduce risk along coastal zones and foster their sustainable development (there were 15 institutions involved). In order to provide an operational and coherent strategy for the 2014-2020 financial period, supported by multi-level agreements among coastal Administrations, COASTGAP aimed to design, characterize and prepare to launch the Joint Action Plan on Adaptations to Climate Changes in MED Basin.


UAB role: To link the cluster FACECOAST and the PEGASO ICZM Platform. The UAB developed an operational network between MED coastal concerned Organizations. The ICZM platform of PEGASO project has been used for testing best Practices 1 (Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines Capitalisation) and BP4 (Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean- Art.8 Methodology Capitalisation) of the COASTGAP project.  The UAB has also linked coastal stakeholders from the region of Catalunya with the Best Practices capitalized in the COASTGAP project.


Project archive: CLIMATE-ADAPT