Project: Adaptation Strategies to Scenarios of Accelerated Global Change Impacts in the Mediterranean Coastal Zone (ECOLEARN)

Financing institution: Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacón y Universidades, Proyectos de I+D+i)

Duration of the project: 1/06/20 – 31/05/23

Project description: ECOLEARN builds on the knowledge gained by a previous research project (LiTOMED) in the Llobregat Delta of the metropolitan area of Barcelona. The aim of the present project is to contribute to global change knowledge and adaptation policy by providing a participatory and context-based planning proposal. The project responds to the need to collectively discuss and learn about the MEANS, and, more importantly, the ENDS to be pursued by adaptation policy in the context of accelerated climate change impacts.

Specific objectives:

  1. To understand practices of social-ecological and transformative learning for Global Change governance developed worldwide.
  2. To collectively build trans-scalar understanding of water conflicts (catchment, treatment and drainage) of the Llobregat river and delta as a social-ecological and transformative learning process.
  3. To co-produce knowledge with farmers on the processes and activities of the agrarian park and co-develop new productive models as a social-ecological and transformative learning process in the context of accelerated impacts.
  4. To co-identify alternatives to cope with existing and future morphodynamic/hydraulic impacts (i.e. erosion, flooding,..) in the seafront of the delta del Llobregat and co-analyze vulnerability transfers among stakeholders in their potential implementation.
  5. Collectively assess the potential of the Delta del Llobregat as a future “Laboratory Region”.