Interfase researchers participate in the following research networks and bodies:

Innovations in Climate Governance: Sources, Patterns and Effects (INOGOV). European Cooperation on Science and Technology COST Program

Transport and Urban Development Action (TU1305). European Cooperation on Science and Technology COST Program

Iberoamerican Network of Integrated Coastal Management (IBERMAR). Iberoamerican Programme of Science and Technology for the Development (CYTED)

MEDSEA Foundation

Working Group of the Commission of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD). Blue Plan and UNEP/MAP

Mediterranean Action Plan of United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP/MAP) of Barcelona Convention

Conference of peripheral maritime regions of Europe (CPMR)

Priority Actions Programme-Regional Activity Centre (PAP-RAC). Mediterranean Action Plan of United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP/MAP) of Barcelona Convention

Plan Bleu – Regional Activity Centre (Plan Bleu-RAC). Mediterranean Action Plan of United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP/MAP) of Barcelona Convention

Expert group for the monitoring and implementation of the European Tourism Indicators System (ETIS). European Commission. Directorate General for Growth – Tourism Unit.

Laboratoire Mixte International (LMI) “Patrimoines et territoires de l’eau”. Institute de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)

Cross-Border Cooperation Group of RECOT Network (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat de Girona, Universidad del País Vasco).

Expert Panel on Noise of European Environment Agency

Expert Group on Soil Sealing (EGSS). European Commission. DG-ENV. Directorate B Nature.

Sino-EU Panel on Land and Soil (SEPLS). JRC – IES (European Commission), IGSNRR-CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences) representing the Mediterranean node

Intergovernmental Oceanographic Comission of UNESCO (IOC-UNESCO)

Working Group on Indicators and Data (WG-ID) of the EU Expert Group on ICZM. Directorate General for the Environment. European Union

European Union Expert Group on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (EU Expert Group on ICZM). Directorate General for the Environment. European Union

European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET) of European Environment Agency.

International Geographical Union – Comission on Coastal Systems (IGU-CCS)

Grup d’Experts en Canvi Climàtic de Catalunya (GECCC), de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans

Consell Asessor per al Desenvolupament Sostenible (CADS), de la Generalitat de Catalunya

Working Group on Marine Affairs of the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC)