Every year, the Faculty of Law and the Institute of European Studies organise a conference to commemorate Europe’s Day (May 9). This year, this commemorative event will take place on Friday, May 5, at 12 in the morning, in the Faculty’s Aula Magna. The conference will be given by Ms. Lourdes Arastey, judge at the Court of Justice of the EU, who will speak about The jurisprudence of the CJEU in matters of discrimination.

Before being judge at the CJEU, Mª Lourdes Arastey Sahún was Judge of the Supreme Court of Cassation of Spain (Social Security, Employment and Labour Chamber), position to which she was promoted in 2009. Ms Arastey was also Vice-President of the European Association of Judges for Mediation (GEMME), former President of its Spanish Section, and member of the European Law Institute (ELI). On 2016 she was appointed as an Expert by the European Network of Councils of the Judiciary (ENCJ) in the ENCJ/ELI Project on ADR/Formal and Informal Justice. She graduated with a degree in Law from University of Barcelona in 1982 and entered the Spanish Judiciary in 1984.She served as a Judge on Civil and Criminal Courts until 1989. From then on she worked as Expert Labour and Social Security Senior Judge for the High Court of Justice of Catalonia.

Additionally she has been an Associated Professor in Labour Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Barcelona, as well as a Lecturer at the Judicial Schools of Spain, Bulgaria, Romania and the Judicial School for Centroamerica and Caribbean. She has also given conferences in various Universities (Girona, Navarra, Jaume I de Castellón, Juan Carlos I de Madrid, Carlos III de Madrid, Granada, Pablo Olavide de Sevilla, País Vasco, Autónoma de Barcelona, Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen de Nice- France-, Inca Garcilaso de Lima -Perú- and Central de Caracas -Venezuela-). She participated in several international projects on legal and judicial matters in Romania, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Guatemala, Latvia, Italy, Portugal, France, Germany and the Slovak Republic. She represented the Spanish Judiciary in the Anual Summits of Justice and Gender/Supreme Courts of Latin America, in Cádiz 2012 and Cochabamba (Bolivia) 2013. She is an author for various publications on labour law, discrimination, gender and equality issues, mediation and EU Law.