13 students from the Masters on European Integration participated in the first edition of the programme “Global Law Classroom”, organised by professors of more than 20 universities around the world, and with prof Cristina Blasi as organiser and contact point from the UAB.

Global learning encourages awareness and critical thinking about issues such as law and politics, economy, finance and trade, wealth and poverty, cultural similarities and differences. This program explores the field of comparative and international legal studies by placing students on teams and having them examine various global issues facing the world today.

Throughout this virtual classroom experience, students will learn to approach a topic from different backgrounds and angles to fully understand its complexity and to create appropriate solutions in their entirety. Students will also realize the importance of becoming global citizens by respecting cultural diversity, human rights, and the rule of law and become inspired and see the importance of personally taking social action. These class sessions will emphasize the importance of being a lawyer in the global community and develop the core competencies which allow them to actively engage with other future lawyers/global leaders.

Learning Outcomes:
- Identify differences and similarities between legal systems.
- Identify current global legal issues and evaluate the potential strengths and weaknesses of particular countries’ and international institutions’ positions.
- Articulate potential solutions or alternatives to global legal problems.
Communicate effectively and respectfully with people from other cultures, backgrounds, and ethnicities.