Seminar on Constitutional Crowdsourcing

On 8 May 2023 at 3 pm CEST our research member Dr Toni Abat Ninet will give an online seminar on “Constitutional Crowdsourcing: Democratising Original and Derived Constituent Power in the Network Society”. This seminar is part of the Webinar series Democratic Constitution Making Between Deliberative and Crowd-sourced Forms of Constitutionalism, organised by the University of Pisa. See […]

Conference from Ms. Lourdes Arastey (Court of Justice of the EU)

Every year, the Faculty of Law and the Institute of European Studies organise a conference to commemorate Europe’s Day (May 9). This year, this commemorative event will take place on Friday, May 5, at 12 in the morning, in the Faculty’s Aula Magna. The conference will be given by Ms. Lourdes Arastey, judge at the […]


El próximo lunes 24 de abril lugar en la Sala de juntas de la facultad de derecho de la UAB las jornadas “CUESTIONES DE ACTUALIDAD DEL DERECHO DE LA COMPETENCIA: UNIÓN EUROPEA Y ESTADOS UNIDOS”. A continuacion detallamos el programa 10.15. Apertura y bienvenida      Dr. Xavier Ramos Morilla, Vicerrector de Economía de la Universitat Autònoma […]

Conferencia “Derechos (más) humanos en la era digital: Teoría vs. práctica”

El próximo 17 de abril tendrá lugar la conferencia “Derechos (más) humanos en la era digital: Teoría vs. práctica” como JORNADA EN CONMEMORACIÓN DEL 75º ANIVERSARIO DE LA DECLARACIÓN UNIVERSAL DE LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS – 2023. La Jornada tiene como objetivo examinar y debatir entre expertos nacionales los retos jurídicos que se han suscitado en […]

Seminar on International Development Architecture and India’s Role

On 13 March 2023, prof. Gulshan Sachdeva, associate professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University, gave a seminar at 16.00 CET in the Sala de Juntas of the Law Facultyy, for master students of the Masters on European integration. The seminar was on the inernational development architecture and india’s role. The seminar provided a brief overview of […]

Seminario: La jurisprudencia del TJUE sobre derechos LGTB

Hoy 17 de marzo 2023, Cristian Oró, Référendaire (Law Clerk) del Tribunal de Justicia de la UE, ha impartido un seminario a las 16.00 CET en la Sala de Juntas de la Facultad de Derecho sobre la jurisprudencia del tribunal sobre derechos LGTB. El tema ha sido especialmente interesante ya que los derechos LGBT en […]

11th edition of the MASTER-CLASS « Trans/border and dialogue of disciplines»

On 25, 26 and 27 January 2023, the Law Faculty of the UAB and the Institute of European Studies hosted a MASTERCLASS on Transborder and dialogue of disciplines. The topics of debate were the following: – Narrative of borders/limits and identities – Solidarity and transnational migrations – Citizen involvement – Culture of “cross-border”: from informal […]