Epistemic concerns on student’s use of arguments in Pseudosciencies. ESERA Conference, Bologna (2019). Domènech-Casal, J., Sepúlveda, C., Marbà-Tallada, J.

Pseudosciences are becoming a conflict on public health, that can be addressed from Science Education through argumentation and development of the understanding of Nature of Science. We present a preliminary study on (35, 14-years-old) students’ abilities to identify and weight different types of arguments and look for associations with their positioning on Pseudosciences. Our results confirm the gender bias on Pseudociences positioning described in the literature, but not relevant differences on their identification and weighting of different types of arguments. We discuss participation of non-epistemic factors on students’ positioning on Pseudosciences.

Oral Presentation Slides:

[slideshare id=166310809&doc=domenechsepulvedamarbapseudos2019-190825161336]

Didactic Scaffolds used:


