Mission to Stars: An Inquiry Project-Based Learning on Universe and astronomic research. Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol 18, EGU-2016-3510. Domènech-Casal, J., Ruiz, N.
A grant has been received to present this didactic activity, based on a proposal to students to design a Spatial Research Mission. As a part of their Mission, they choose the research goals, design experiments, select targets (different kinds of celestial bodies) and calculate astronomic distances. For their mission, students construct a 3D model of an Orbital Telescope, selecting the necessary detectors, programming by Scratch its informatic routines and calculating the budget. The activity aims to develop scientific skills and attitudes, make students understand how astronomic research is developed, and to know the main elements (Exoplanets, Galaxies, Supernovas…), and the basic geography of the known Universe beyond the Kuipper Belt.
The materials and a didactic guide to apply the activity: https://sites.google.com/site/missiontostars/home
This activity is part of the educational C3 Project (Creation of Scientific knowledge) and makes part of the Collection of Astronomy Educational Inquiry Projects Astrono-me: https://sites.google.com/site/astrono2me/
The poster of the presented communication can be downloaded from box.net and is available in Slideshare:
[slideshare id=57950442&doc=missiontostarsposter-160206112205&type=d]