An in-service training model for Content and Language Integration in Secondary Clasrooms. Proceedings of the Fourth Biennal Conference of the World Federation of Associations of Teacher Education, 1(3a), 6-27. Alba, N., Domènech-Casal, J.


wfateIn this paper, we present the teacher training lines of Servei d’Immersió i Acolliment Lingüístics (Linguistic Immersion and Integration Service), oriented to train teachers who must deal with linguistic diversity in secondary education classrooms in the Catalan educational system. We describe the catalan educational context, and a brief description of the TILC  (Language-Content Integrated Learning) pedagogic approach.  We analyze the bases and modalities of teacher training lines for TILC under the light of new paradigms in teacher professional development and assess the strengths and weaknesses of the training model.

Paper presented as an oral communication at the 4th Biennial International Conference of the World Federation of Associations for Teacher Education (WFATE) held in april 2016 in Barcelona.