Didactic profiles in PBL STEM Teaching-Learning Sequences. ESERA Conference, Bologna (2019). J.Domènech-Casal.

Project-Based Learning is a candidate approach as teaching sequences for scientific competence that is being promoted through STEM education. Several didactic components are of interest in the didactic architecture of these sequences: Context, Conflict, Discourse, Content, Openness and Interdisciplinary. We have developed a rubric to assess these components in 87 PBL STEM sequences designed by secondary education teachers. We have identified 4 main profiles in the proposed sequences and discuss its implications on the development of scientific competence through PBL STEM sequences.

Oral Presentation Slides:

[slideshare id=166326459&doc=domenechstempbl2019-190825173848]

Scaffolds and Rubrics used in this experience:

Publication regarding the Design (not the application) of the Rubric:

Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos en el marco STEM. Componentes didácticas para la Competencia Científica. Ápice. Revista de Educación Científica (2018), 2(2), 29-42. Jordi Domènech Casal. Download


