Congressos científics 2005

Metallic Network Symposia(Barcelona, SPAIN, VI-2005). Metal binding abilities of the protozoan Tetrahymena tpMT1, a metallothionein with Cys triplets. Domènech, J. , Bofill, R., Atrian, S., Capdevila, M. 4th Scientific meeting on Bioinorganics (p40, Calella, SPAIN, IV-2005). Study of the coordinative abilities of the protozoan Metallothionein tpMT1 from Tetrahymena pyriformis. Bofill R, Domenech J, Atrian S, […]

Congressos científics 2003-2004

XII Seminari Conjunt de Biologia Molecular i Biologia del Desenvolupament. Societat Catalana de Biologia (Barcelona, SPAIN, VI-2004). Terminal Histidine determines the coordinative behaviour of CeMTII C.elegans metallothionein. Domènech, J., Capdevila, M., Atrian, S. II RNEM. 2th National Meeting on Mass Spectrometry (Barcelona, Spain, 2004).  ESI-MS-mediated identification of in vivo-formed metallothionein dimers. Domènech, J., Mir, G., […]

Congressos científics 2000-2002

41st Annual Drosophila Research Conference (Pittsburgh, USA, III-2000). Molecular and genetic characterization of Dclk1, a Drosophila homologue of the nematode aging gene clk1. Tricoire, H., Girardot, F., Monnier, V., Lommersee, P., Domènech, J. (Tricoire, H., Girardot, F., Monnier, V., Lommersee, P., Domenech, J. (2000). Molecular and genetic characterization of Dclk1, a Drosophila homologue of the […]