Emeritus Professor – Full professor of Financial Economics
Department of Busines Economics – Office B-315.
ORCID: 0000-0002-5996-8628
Joaquim.Verges@uab.es – +34 93581 1210
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Campus Bellaterra, Edifici B, 08193 Cerdanyola (Barcelona) Spain
– Economics as an explanatory discipline; epistemology. Empirical contrasting of Economics’ theories
– Comparative efficiency of Public Owned Enterprises (POE) and Private Enterprises
– Privatisations: Causes, aims, and governments’ objectives.- Results or impact of privatisations
– Efficiency: Indicators, and Productivity measurement
– Director of the UAB’s Research Group INCERS: Innovation and Competitiveness of Energy from Renewable Sources
– Coordinator of the European project DIDSOLIT-PB, a strategic project of the ENPI-CBCMED Programme of the EC
Undergraduate courses.- Faculty of Economics and Business(UAB):
. Economia i Gestió de l’Empresa Pública (EGEP); (Public Owned Enterprises: Economics and Management)
. Control i Avaluació de l’Eficiencia (CAE); (Management’ Control and Efficiency Assessment)
Doctorate (PhD) courses.- Department of Business Economics& Administration:
. Empresas Públicas, y Regulación; (POE’s Management, and Regulation)
. Research Seminar: Training graduatel candidates on Doctoral Thesis’ Research Projects
– Economics, applying the scientific method / The New Economics / Economics of Real Societies
– Energy and sustainability.- Comparative real costs (social costs: microec. & macroec.) of alternatives to oil
(nuclear, eólics, termosolar, fotosolar, agrofuels).
– Globalizatión.- Opening markets for goods, capitals and companies: Effects on less-developped countries.
=> CV