Eliseo Sierra Noguero, Profesor Agregado de Derecho Mercantil de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona e IP del Proyecto ADLAW ha publicado el artículo titulado “Towards a European Law on Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM). El número completo está disponible en open access en https://lnkd.in/gaKmA2JE

Como señala en el Sumario

Como señala el sumario, “The paper analyzes the legal framework on cooperative, connected, and automated vehicles on the roads of the European Union. In particular, the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) services of Directive
2010/40/UE and its reform proposal for the adoption of a future Delegated Regulation on Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS). European policy deals entirely with the cooperation, connection, and automation of vehicles. This is seen as the most appropriate to achieve its objectives. In parallel, the automotive industry and the national authorities of the Member States are certifying automated vehicles that already reach level 3 of the Classification System of the Society of Automotive Engineers”.