European Science Education Research Association
- Comunicació oral 1. Garrido-Espeja, A., i Couso-Lagarón, D. (2017). Models and modelling as a training context: What are pre-service teachers’ perceptions?
- Comunicació oral 2. Hernández, M. I., i Couso, D. (2017). Establishing links between science communicators and educators in practical work outside classrooms.
- Comunicació oral 3. Herrera, E., Espinet, M., i Izquierdo, M. (2017). Teachers’ perceptions on the obstacles in the teaching of science through the Gowin V.
- Comunicació oral 4. López Simó, V., Grimalt-Álvaro, C., i Couso-Lagarón, D. (2017). Analysis of the role of interactive whiteboard (IWB) for promoting students’ scientific practices in secondary school labwork.
- Comunicació oral 5. Moraga, S., Espinet, M., i Merino, C. (2017). Analysis of pre-service secondary science teacher’s context based chemistry teaching sequences.
- Comunicació oral 6. Pau, I., Márquez, C., i Marbà-Tallada, A. (2017). Promoting argumentation through novels in science class: What animal is it?
- Comunicació oral 7. Valdés-Sánchez, L., i Espinet, M. (2017). Analyzing co-teachers’ interactions in a CLIL multilingual primary science classroom.