1. 2023/2027: Spanish delegate of the Management Committee of the COST Action 6G-PHYSEC.
  2. 2023-2024: PHOTSAT. Contributions to the design of the communication subsystem. This study was supported by MICIIN with funding from European Union NextGeneration EU (PRTR-C17.I1) and by Generalitat de Catalunya.
  3. 06/2022-05/2023.  SatNEx V, Quantum communication for satellite networks, European Space Agency project to identify novel applications of quantum technology for satellite communications beyond QKD.
  4. 07/2020-ongoing. Network of Experts in satellite communications, SatNEx V, European Space Agency project within the framework Technology Development Programme.
  5. 02/2019-02/2020. SatNEx IVUltra-low power density uni/bi-directional IoT satellite communications with enhanced PHY Layer Security. Our team is responsible of conceptual protocol design and preliminary performance assessment.
  6. 11/2016-12/2018. HENCSAT. Highly Efficient Network Coding for Satellite Applications Test-bed. European Space Agency. Our team is responsible of code design, system architectural design methodology and performance analysis (application and transport layers).
  7. 10/2015-10/2018. SatNetCod. Satellite Network Coding for High Performance, Semantic-Aware Mission-Critical Visual Communications. European Space Agency. Our team is responsible of code design, system architectural design methodology and performance analysis. 
  8. 02/2016-02/2017. SatNEx IV Coding for Physical Layer Security. European Space Agency. Our team is responsible of state of the art analysis of code design and performance metrics.
  9. 12/2014-12/2016. GEO-VISION. GNSS‐driven, EO, Verifiable Image and Sensor Integration for mission‐critical Operational Networks. GNSS H2020 Programme project. Our team was responsible of the design and implementation of geo-network coding for reliable comms&networking for mission-critical applications.
  10. COST Action IC 1104 funded by the European Union RTD Framework Programme. Management Committee member.
  11. 03/2012-02/2013. BEATLES – BGAN Enhanced Alphasat Technology for L-band Extended Spectrum BGAN Extension Phase 2. Funded by the European Space Agency:
  12. 09/2011-11/2013. “Prestige Programme”, PhD grant on Network Coding funded by the European Space Agency, The Netherlands.
  13. 01/2010-01/2013. MASERATIMejora de la Atención Sanitaria en Entornos Rurales mediante Aplicaciones de Telemedicina sobre tecnologías Inalámbricas”. Under the Iberoamerican Programme of Science and Technology for Development CYTED.
  14. 10/2009-03/2012. “Satellite Network of Excellence III”, funded by the European Space Agency.
  15. 09/2009-08/2011. “IRIS Programme for Air Traffic Management”, subcontract with INDRA Espacio, funded by the European Space Agency.
  16. 09/2009-08/2011. “Prestige Programme”, PhD grant funded by the European Space Agency.
  17. 07/2009-12/2009. “Distributed MAC for Next Generation Satellite Networks”, funded by the Research Council for Industrial Science & Technology, Korea.
  18. 04/2008-12/2009. “Beam Hopping Techniques for Multibeam Satellite Systems”, funded by the European Space Agency.
  19. 06/2007-12/2008. “MOVISAT”, subcontract with Thales Alenia Espacio, funded by the funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education, Secretariat for Research and Universities.
  20. 04/2006-03/2009. “Satellite Network of Excellence II”, funded by the VI Framework Programme of the European Commission.
  21. 10/2006-04/2007. “IP-Friendly Cross-layer Optimization of Adaptive Satellite Systems”, funded by the European Space Agency, The Netherlands.
  22. 07/2004-03/2006. “Satellite Network of Excellence”, funded by the VI Framework Programme of the European Commission.
  23. 04/2005-04/2008. “Comunicacions sense Fils”, funded by the Catalonian Government, Spain.
  24. 01/2006-12/2008. “Sesamo: Servicios sEguros por SAtélite en MOvilidad”, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education, Secretariat for Research and Universities, Spain.
  25. 10/2005-10/2008. “DICAPRIO: Diseño Cross-layer de Asignación de recursos para Sistemas de Comunicaciones Multihaz de Banda Ancha y Capa Física Adaptativa” , funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education, Secretariat for Research and Universities, Spain.