Leveraging its extensive expertise in microbial molecular biology, the Molecular Microbiology Group offers a broad palette of services to industry and academia partners. The services offered by the Molecular Microbiology Group are provided formally via the UAB Service of Analysis and Microbiological Applications (SAiAM). In addition, the Molecular Microbiology Group has multiple collaboration agreements with industries in a variety of fields.

Service of Analysis and Microbiological Applications (SAiAM)

The Service of Analysis and Microbiological Applications (SAiAM) is aimed at all public and private actors in the food, pharmaceutical, biotechnological, biomedical and nanotechnology sectors, interested in performing microbiological analysis and studies, using conventional microbiological methods, rapid microbiology, and genetic and molecular methods. In addition, it offers its services to researchers from public or private entities, contributing its experience in advising and carrying out R+D+I projects as well as providing training, scientific and technological support in the transfer of technology in the different areas of Microbiology.

Among other, the SAiAM provides the following services:

  • Conventional microbiology: conservation and supply of bacterial strains, microbiological control of environmental samples and processed raw materials, evaluation and validation of activity of antimicrobial compounds (antibiotics, disinfectants, etc.).
  • Genotoxic and mutagenic evaluation through reverse mutation assays in Salmonella and E. coli.
  • Isolation, identification and characterization of microorganisms by different classical microbiological, biochemical, and molecular methods (conventional PCR, real-time PCR, DNA macrorestriction and pulsed-field electrophoresis, DNA sequencing, etc.).
  • Design of projects and execution of protocols for studies on:
    • Transmissibility of resistance to antimicrobials.
    • Bacterial viruses-Bacteriophages
    • Microbiological analysis (conventional and molecular) of different types of samples or environments.
    • Detection, characterization, and typing of bacteria and yeasts.

Industrial collaboration agreements

Current collaboration agreements

Former collaboration agreements