Among the various publications that have already been published up to March 2014 (or accepted to publication) in relation to this R+D project, the following can be noted:

  • Bruquetas, M.; Garcés, B.; Morén-Alegret, R.; Penninx, R. & Ruiz, E. (2011) “The case of Spain” in G. Zincone, M. Borkert & R. Penninx (Eds.), Migration Policymaking in Europe; The dynamics of Actors and Contexts in Past and Present (pp. 291-326). Amsterdam (Países Bajos): Amsterdam University Press.
  • Fatorić, S.; Morén-Alegret, R.; Kasimis, C. (2014) “Exploring climate change effects in Euro-Mediterranean protected coastal wetlands: the cases of Aiguamolls de l’Empordà, Spain and Kotychi-Strofylia, Greece”, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, DOI:10.1080/13504509.2014.888377 (2012 Impact Factor: 1.213)
  • Fatorić, S.; Morén-Alegret, R. (2013) “Integrating local knowledge and perception for assessing vulnerability to climate change in economically dynamic coastal areas: the case of natural protected area Aiguamolls de l’Empordà”, Ocean & Coastal Management, 85 (A), 90-102. (Impact Factor: 1.597. 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.747).
  • Fatoric, S.; Chelleri, L. (2012) “Vulnerability to the effects of climate change and adaptation”, Ocean & Coastal Management, 60, 1-10. (Impact Factor: 1.524. 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.661).
  • Fonseca, M. L. ; Esteves, A.; Malheiros, J.; McGarrigle, J, (2013) “Habitação, imigração e integração sócio-territorial: notas e reflexões a partir do caso da Região do Algarve”, in Fonseca, M. L., Góis, P.; Marques, J. C. e Peixoto, J. (orgs.), Migrações na Europa e em Portugal. Ensaios de homenagem a Maria Ioannis Baganha, Coimbra: Almedina, pp. 127-163.
  • Hugo, G. J. (ed.) (2013) Migration and Climate Change, Cheltenham, UK / Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Hugo, G.J. (2012) “Population flows between South Australia and Asia”, in J. Spoehr and P. Jain (eds.) The Engaging state: South Australia’s engagement with the Asia-Pacific region, pp. 20-44.
  • Joly, D. (2012) “‘Race’, ethnicity and religion: emerging policies in Britain”, Patterns of Prejudice, 46 (5), pp. 467-485.
  • Kasimis, C. and Papadopoulos, A.G. (2013),“Rural Transformations and Family Farming In Contemporary Greece”, in Dionisio Ortiz-Miranda, Ana Moragues-Faus, Eladio Arnalte-Alegre (eds.) Agriculture in Mediterranean Europe: Between Old and New Paradigms (Research in Rural Sociology and Development, Volume 19)Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 263 – 293.
  • Kasimis, C. & Zografakis, S. (2013), “The Countryside, Agriculture and the Crisis”, International and European Policy, Vol. 27, pp 17-31, Athens: Papazisis (en griego).
  • Kasimis, C. & Papadopoulos, A.G. (eds.) (2012), Migrants in Greece: Employment and Integration in Local Societies, Athens: Alexandria (libro en griego).
  • Kasimis, C. (2010), Socio-demographic imbalances in rural Europe and international mobility to rural areas: the case of Greece, Przeglad Socjologizny, Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 57-77.
  • Kasimis, C. & Papadopoulos, A.G. (2010), Fluxos migratórios e mercados de trabalho locais em espaços insulares: O caso de Zakynthos, nas ilhas Jónicas (Grécia), in Fonseca L. M. (ed) Aproximando Mundos: Emigração, Imigração e Desenvolvimento em Espaços Insulares, Lisboa: Fundação Luso-Americana, pp. 247-277.
  • Kasimis, C., Papadopoulos, A.G., Pappas, C. (2010), Gaining from Rural Migrants: Migrant Employment Strategies and Socioeconomic Implications for Rural Labour Markets, Sociologia Ruralis, Vol. 50, Number 3, pp. 258-276.
  • Medda-Windischer, R.; Danson, M.; Morén-Alegret, R.; Gaye, M. (2012) “Editorial. Social Mobility and Migration”, Migration Letters, 9 (3), 193-199.
  • Mendoza, C.; Morén-Alegret, R. (2013) “Exploring methods and techniques for the analysis of senses of place and migration”, Progress in Human Geography, 37 (6), 762–785. [Impact factor 4.489, ISI JCR Ranking 2012: 2/72 (Geography), Thomson Reuters, 2013].
  • Morén-Alegret, R. (2014) “Perception of individual-level benefits for mobile workers and migrants within the EU: the need for (a) common sense (of place)”, in Schwarzwälder, J. & Thode, E. (coords.) Harnessing European Labour Mobility. Scenario analysis and policy recommendations, Güersloh (Germany): Bertelsmann Stiftung.
  • Morén-Alegret, R. (2011) When love comes to town and when it is missing. International migration, marriage, divorce and being single in small towns and rural areas in Spain. In: E.K. Heikkilä and B.S.A.Yeoh [eds.] International Marriages in the Time of Globalization. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc, 104-116.
  • Morén-Alegret, R. (2010) Procesos de integración de la inmigración extranjera en pequeñas ciudades de España. Presentación del video documental “Iberiana”, Polígonos. Revista de Geografía, 20, 205-216.
  • Scheffran, J.; Marmer, E.; Sow, P. (2011) “Migration as a contribution to resilience and innovation in climate adaptation”, Applied Geography, 0143-6228: 1-9 (Impact Factor: 3.082)

Among the various contributions to congresses and seminars presented up to March 2014 in relation to this R+D project, the following can be noted:

  • Fatoric, S. (2014) “Climate change vulnerability in coastal proteceted áreas of Catalonia (Spain): The cases of Ebro Delta and Aiguamolls de l’Empordà”Conference on European Climate Change Adaptation. Research and PracticeLisboa (Portugal). Coastal areas, marine biodiversity and fisheries. Parallel session A. (ver:
  • Fatoric, S. (& Morén-Alegret, R., dir.) (2011) “Preliminary Approach to Climate Change Effects on Human Security and Migration in ‘Aiguamolls de l’Empordà’ area,Spain”, 16th International Metropolis conference «Migration Futures : Perspectives on Global Changes», Ponta Delgada (Islas Azores, Portugal), (
  • Fonseca, M.L.; Sampaio, D.; Moreno, L. (2012) “Trabalhadores imigrantes na agricultura algarvia: um estudo sobre a comunidade marroquina” IX Coloquio Ibérico de Estudios RuralesUniversidad de Lisboa – CEG – IGOT (Portugal). (
  • Hugo, G. (2012) “Immigrant Settlement in Regional South Australia: Patterns, Problems and Policies” American Association of Geographers Congress, Nueva York (Estados Unidos de América). (
  • Kasimis, C.; Papadopoulos, A.G.; Fratsea, L.M. (2012) “Reverse mobilities in the years of crisis: the case of rural Greece” XIII World Congress on Rural Sociology, IRSA, Lisboa (Portugal). (
  • Kasimis, C.; Zografakis, S. (2012) “‘Return to the land’: rural Greece as refuge to crisis” XIII World Congress on Rural Sociology, IRSA, Lisboa (Portugal). (
  • Kasimis, C. (2011) “Immigrant Integration and Socioeconomic Sustainability in Small Town areas in Greece: The Case of Zakynthos” 16th International Metropolis conference «Migration Futures : Perspectives on Global Changes», Ponta Delgada (Islas Azores, Portugal), (
  • Mas Palacios, A. & Morén-Alegret, R. (2012) “International immigration around natural protected areas in Spain and Portugal” XIII World Congress on Rural Sociology, IRSA, Lisboa (Portugal). (
  • Mas Palacios, A. & Morén-Alegret, R. (2012) “Inmigración internacional entorno a áreas naturales protegidas. Explorando algunas localidades del Alt Empordà (España) y el Alentejo Litoral (Portugal)” IX Coloquio Ibérico de Estudios RuralesUniversidad de Lisboa – CEG – IGOT (Portugal). . (
  • Mas Palacios, A. (& Morén-Alegret, R., dir.) (2011) “Indicators of Sustainability in Roses (Alt Empordà, Spain). A Coastal Small Town with Different Types of Immigration”, 16th International Metropolis conference «Migration Futures : Perspectives on Global Changes», Ponta Delgada (Islas Azores, Portugal), (
  • Milazzo, J. (2012) “Inmigración internacional y desarrollo de territorios (semi) rurales mediterráneos. Comparación de los bolivianos en Cataluña (Alt Empordà) y de los marroquíes en Córcega (Plaine Orientale)”, Coloquio internacional ‘El valor de lo rural’ , Zamora (México),
  • Morén-Alegret, R. (2013) “Foreign immigration, intercultural dialogue and sustainability in small towns: The case of Roses, Northeastern Catalonia, Spain”, Media and Intercultural Dialogue ConferenceBarcelona (Spain), United Nations University Institute for Globalization, Culture and Mobility (UNU-GCM)
  • Morén-Alegret, R.; Wladyka, D.; Mas-Palacios, A. (2012) “Does the locality size matter? Foreign immigrants’ integration in Barcelona, Roses and Castelló d’Empúries (Catalonia, Spain)” American Association of Geographers Congress, Nueva York (Estados Unidos de América). (
  • Morén-Alegret, R. (2011) Immigrants integration in small towns and rural áreas, International Conference on Social Mobility and Migration. Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Bolzano/Bozen (Italia).
  • Sampaio, D. (& Fonseca, M.L.,dir.) (2011) “International Retirement Migration in the Algarve: Exploring the Impacts on Local Labour Market Dynamics in a Context of Rural Revitalization”, 16th International Metropolis conference «Migration Futures : Perspectives on Global Changes», Ponta Delgada (Islas Azores, Portugal), (
  • Vélez de Castro, F. (& Fonseca, M.L., dir.(2011)“Immigration and Regional Development in Low Density Territories: The Case of Alentejo (Portugal) and Extremadura (Spain)”, 16th International Metropolis conference «Migration Futures : Perspectives on Global Changes», Ponta Delgada (Islas Azores, Portugal), (
  • Wladyka, D. & Morén-Alegret, R. (2014) “Towards a Mediterranean ‘Superdiverse’ Small Town? Immigration and Sustainability in Empuriabrava Neighborhood, Catalonia, Spain”, 2014 Urban Affairs Association Congress, San Antonio (Texas, USA), SA1.01 session. Race, Ethnicity, and Urban Development (ver:
  • Wladyka, D. & Morén-Alegret, R. (2012) “Polish immigrants in Catalonia, Spain” American Association of Geographers Congress, Nueva York (Estados Unidos de América). (
  • Wladyka, D. (& Morén-Alegret, R., dir.) (2011) “Immigrants’ Integration and Sustainability in an Ethnically Diverse Small Town: Exploring the Case of Castelló d’Empúries, Spain.” 16th International Metropolis conference «Migration Futures : Perspectives on Global Changes», Ponta Delgada (Islas Azores, Portugal), (