Adreça electrònica

PhD in Geography (UAB, 2014). Master Degree in Territorial and Population Studies (Geography Department UAB, 2009). Bachelor in Sociology (UAB, 2006).
His PhD thesis “Foreign immigration around natural areas. An international comparison between localities of Alt Empordà (Spain) and Alentejo Litoral (Portugal)”, was directed by Ricard Morén-Alegret and upgraded Excellent “cum laude” (UAB, April 2014). The main objective of the research was, on the one hand to analyze the roles that the natural areas of these territories have played in the arrival and settlement of these population groups; and on the other hand, to learn about the relationship between foreign residents and the nearby natural areas. Beyond foreign residents, the research also draws attention to the relationship between the local population in general and the nearby natural areas (see abstract of the thesis).
In 2009 he presented Master Degree Research “Immigració estrangera a l’entorn d’espais d’interès natural. Estudi aproximatiu a cinc espais naturals protegits – Foreign Immigration around spaces with natural interest. Approach study to five protected natural spaces”, directed by PhD Ricard Morén and valued by the court with a grade of excellent.
Albert Mas has worked with several associations linked to integration and social inclusion of the foreign population in Catalan society and has participated in the following projects:
R&D project “Immigrants’ integration and the role of a diversity of Organizations in Achieving Sustainable small towns and rural areas” (2010-2013), directed by Dr. Ricard Morén and funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. It is an international project involving research groups from the United Kingdom, Australia, Portugal, Greece and Spain (see).
Project “Concordia Discors. Understanding Conflict and Integration Outcomes of Inter-Group Relations and Integration Policies in selected Neighbourhoods of Fiver European Cities” funded by the European Commission (January 2011- October 2012). This innovative comparative project funded by the European Commission and coordinated by FIERI (Italy), studied in 2011 and 2012 integration and conflict in two districts of five European cities: London, Budapest, Barcelona, Turin and Nuremberg (see The study in Barcelona was coordinated by Ricard Moren-Alegret and counted with the participation of Dawid Wladyka and Albert Mas. Albert Mas was interviewed in Sants 3 Radio to present the project Concordia Discors. The interview is available at: Interview-Albert Mas_Sants-3-Radio_oct2013
R&D project “Inmigración extranjera, sentido de lugar e identidad territorial en cinco pequeñas ciudades de España – Foreign immigration, sense of place and territorial identity in five small towns in Spain” (2006-2009), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SEJ2006-14857) and which Principal Investigator was Ricard Morén. Within this project has contributed to the making of the video-documentary of popular science “Iberiana. Immigrants’ Integration Processes in Five Small Towns Placed in Peninsular Spain” and has participated in several fieldwork in the provinces of León, Girona, Huelva, Cáceres and Alacant.
- Mas Palacios, A. (2014) Immigració estrangera a l’entorn d’espais d’interès natural. Una comparació internacional entre localitats de l’Alt Empordà (Espanya) i l’Alentejo Litoral (Portugal). PhD Thesis. Departament de Geografia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Abstract.
- Mas, A.; Morén-Alegret, R.; Fonseca, L. (2014) European Immigration Around Two Iberian Natural Protected Areas. Exploring the cases of Alentejo Litoral (Portugal) and Empordà (Spain). International Migration (pre-accepted by the journal).
- Morén-Alegret, R., Mas, A., & Wladyka, D. (2012) Concordia Discors. Understanding conflict and integration outcomes of intergroup relations and integration policies in selected neighbourhoods of five European cities. Barcelona final report. Available in:
- Mas, A.; Morén-Alegret, R. (2012) “Inmigración internacional entorno a áreas naturales protegidas. Explorando algunas localidades del Alt Empordà (España) y el Alentejo Litoral (Portugal)”. Comuniciación presentada per A. Mas publicada en formato CD a: Actas del IX Coloquio Iberico de Estudios Rurales: Inercias, Cambios y ‘Desarrollos’: desafíos para el medio rural (Lisboa julio 2012). ISBN: 978-972-96347-4-1.
- Morén-Alegret, R., Wladyka, D., & Mas, A. (2011). Concordia Discors. Understanding conflict and integration outcomes of intergroup relations and integration policies in selected neighbourhoods of five European cities. Barcelona background report. Available in:
- Mas Palacios, A. (2011) La protecció d’espais naturals. Orígens i evolució”. Revista Excursionisme, 364: 4-9. Available in:
- Vídeo-documental de divulgació científica “Iberiana. Procesos de integración de inmigrantes en cinco pequeñas ciudades de la España peninsular” (2009) Col·laboración en la realización y contacto con los entrevistados. Available in GRM web site.
- VV. AA. (2009) Summer School on the Po River Delta: Creating scenarios for fragile territories. Taglio di Po: Osservatorio sul Delta del Po i Università IUAV di Venezia.
- Morén-Alegret, R.; Sow, P.; Mas-Palacios, A. (2009) “Foreign immigrants’ integration in the United Kingdom and Spain. A comparative approach on participation in traditional cultural organisations” En: “VI Congreso sobre las Migraciones en España (A Coruña, setembre 2009)”. També en format CD, ISBN: 978-84-9749-399-4.
- Mas Palacios, A. (2009) “Immigració estrangera a l’entorn d’espais d’interès natural. Estudi aproximatiu a cinc espais naturals protegits”. Treball de Recerca de Màster. Departament de Geografia de la UAB. Available in: