Bibliographical data base on migrations in Catalonia

This data base it was done inside a more wide research project carried out by Verónica de Miguel, Ricard Morén Alegret and Miguel Solana – members of GRM, UAB – about “Migracions a Catalunya. L’estat de la qüestió (1975-2000)” -“Migrations in Catalonia. The state-of-the-art (1975-2000)”- wich it was directed by Àngels Pascual de Sans and funded by Fundació Castellet del Foix. Later on, the data base was actaulized until 2003 with the financiation of the Secretaria per la Immigració de la Generalitat de Catulnya. Following the mentioned project and thanks to Fundació Jaume Bofill, under the Pau Mota’s direction the data base has been actualized until 2007.

Another result of that research available is a report that analyses this and other data bases.

This data base was made with the program ACCESS. The consults can be done following the possibilities that it offers this software. For example, you can do searches of key words. A reading of the mentioned report can be useful to use the data base.