
PhD, UAB, 2013. His doctoral thesis in Human Geography studied Polish migration in Catalonia and was supervised by Dr. Ricard Morén-Alegret and Dr. Ángels Pascual.
Sociologist with some knowledge in areas of social communication, psychology, migrations, politic science and new technologies. He also has experience in the fields of journalism, photography and ICT (especially in web programming and graphics).
Master in Sociology with specialisation in Public Communication (University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland, 2007). Bachelor in Sociology with specialisation in Advertising and Public Communication (University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland, 2005).
He was student on the following exchange programmes: “MOST” at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland in 2007/2008 (fields of studies: “Ethnical Relations and International Migrations”, “Psychology” and “Latin-American studies”) and “ERASMUS” at the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2006/2007 (faculties: Political Sciences and Sociology, Translation and Interpretation). He was awarded a scholarship / prize by Ministry of Higher Education of Poland (2007/2008).
He is a student of Interfaculty Studies in the Humanities at University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland (faculties: Psychology, Political Sciences, Sociology, Radio and Television, Romance Studies, English Studies). He is also studying for the Master in cultural science specializing in “Ethnic Relation and International Migration” at Jagiellonian University in Cracow.
He has worked as a reporter for various polish reviews and newspapers of regional, national and international scope. He is the author of several dozen press articles. He also has an experience in work for radio and TV. He has designed and taught journalism courses for students in the University of Economics in Katowice. He has taken part in the expeditions of a journalistic – scientific nature, for example in the Ukraine and Spain.
He participated in the VI Conference on Migrations in Spain, where he presented the article “Los emigrantes polacos en el mercado laboral español y catalán desde una perspectiva mundial y europea. Estudio estadístico”. During the spring semester of 2010 he has worked at the position of adjunct professor at the Behavioral Sciences Department of The University of Texas at Brownsville, teaching undergraduate courses of Introduction to Sociology and Political Sociology.
Working languages: Polish, English and Spanish.