GRM presented the…
19th GRM SEMINAR Series on MIGRATION Studies
October 2024 – January 2025 programme
**16 October 2024, 10am: Dr Lucie Bacon, MIGRINTER (CNRS-Université de Poitiers) & Institute Convergence Migrations, ICM, France: On the Western Mediterranean Migration Route: Moving in a context of control. Creation of a scientific and artistic (carto)graphic exhibition
**11 December 2024, 10am: Consuelo González-Pavicich, UAB Econecol: Access to housing of the Venezuelan immigrant population in Iquique and Alto Hospicio (Tarapacá, Chile). A literature and field exploration
**8 January 2025, 10am: Xiao Wen, UAB Tourism Faculty: Chinese immigrants linked to tourism in Barcelona city. Exploring the case of travel agency immigrant workers and entrepreneurs from China
**10 January 2025, 10am: Dr Stefan Kordel & Dr Tobias Weidinger, Institute of Geography, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany: The permanence of international immigrants in German rural areas and the role of local/regional stakeholders
**17 January 2025, 10am: Jana Finke, Utrecht University, Department for Human Geography and Spatial Planning, The Netherlands: Intersectional Perspectives on Migrants’ Initiatives in Dutch Rural Regions: Spaces for Learning, Agency and Connection
All sessions were in English and open to the public.
The sessions took place in Aula 104 at the Arts & Humanities Faculty (Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres), B Building,Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB. Accessibility info: There were not on-line sessions.
-> Seats were available on a first-come, first-served, basis. The venue has limited capacity.
-> Before all seminars, outside visitors were advised to check to confirm details and to consider possible last-minute changes. However, all five seminars took place according to the plan.
-> The GRM seminars have been mainly co-funded by and/or supported by the UAB Arts & Humanities Faculty and the UAB Geography Department. These seminars are held within the framework of the ECONECOL Research Group (AGAUR ref. SGR2021-01502) that is directed by Dr Giorgos Kallis. This GRM seminar series is coordinated by Dr Ricard Morén-Alegret. The GRM coordinator is grateful to the Dean team of the UAB Arts & Humanities Faculty, to the Director of the Geography Department and to the Management Team of ICTA for their support.

GRM (*** presents the…
18th GRM Seminar Series on Migration
Department of Geography & ICTA, Autonomous University of Barcelona, UAB-GEO-GRM
February – May 2022 Programme
10 February 2022, 13h, F. Lucienne Crettex, COLEF, Tijuana, Mexico:
(Undocumented) international immigration in Los Ángeles, USA, and Barcelona, Spain
17 February 2022, 13h, Dr Raúl Lardiés, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain:
Foreign immigration from outside the EU in rural areas of Aragón: impacts and integration
21 March 2022, 13h, Dr Montserrat Feixas, UNHCR in Central Europe from 2013 to 2021, Hungary:
Asylum challenges in Central Europe. The 2015 crisis and its consequences
28 April 2022, 13h, Dr Valeria Bello, Universitat Ramon Llull, URL, Spain:
The role of prejudice and cognitions in the governance of international migration
12 May 2022, 13h, Dr Kevin Mary, Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, France:
Migration-facilitating capital: Attracting and (socially) selecting African students for Canada
…If the pandemic situation allows, all sessions are open to the public and will take place in Aula 203 at the Arts & Humanities Faculty (Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB. This venue is placed in Bellaterra campus (Accessibility info: All participants must follow the relevant instructions of the university authorities (see: There will not be on-line sessions but, if necessary and possible, some sessions could be postponed to next years.
*Seats will be available on a first-come, first-served, basis. The venue has limited capacity.
**Please, before attending a seminar, outside visitors are advised to check the @RicardMoren Twitter account (see: in order to confirm details and to take into account possible last minute changes.
*** If everything goes well, along 2022 the website linked to the UAB-GEO Generators of Research on Migration, GRM (i.e. the Gallery of Research on Migration, GRM) should be available again, once the UAB fully recovers from the massive cyber-attack that this university suffered in Autumn 2021.
These seminars are mainly co-funded by the UAB Arts & Humanities Faculty and the UAB Geography Department as well as are held within the framework of the ECONECOL Research Group (SGR2017, AGAUR, ref. 01126).
Dr Ricard Morén-Alegret is the coordinator of all these seminars, with support from Dr Cristóbal Mendoza in some sessions. The GRM coordinator is grateful to the Dean team of the UAB Arts & Humanities Faculty plus to the Director of the Geography Department for their support.
presents the
17th GRM Annual Seminar Series on Migration
Department of Geography & ICTA, Autonomous University of Barcelona, UAB-GEO-GRM
2019 Programme
28 February 2019, 13h, Cristóbal Mendoza, UAM, Mexico:
Fragmented labour markets and international migration dynamics: High-skilled immigration and low-qualified emigration in Mexico?
7 March 2019, 13h, Daniela del Bene, ICTA:
Exploring forced displacements and involuntary migrations in environmental conflicts
12 March 2019, 13h, Júlia Pírez, FAS:
The key role of universities and the ‘refugee crisis’: The refugees hosting program at UAB (Programa Acollida)
9 May 2019, 13h, William Berthomiere, CNRS, France:
Small villages in France: diversity and international immigration
All sessions are open to the public and will take place in Aula 106 at the Arts & Humanities Faculty (Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres) of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB. This faculty is located in Bellaterra campus (see: .
**Seats will be available on a first-come, first-served, basis.
***Please, before attending a seminar, outside visitors are advised to check this website
These seminars are held within the framework of the ECONECOL Research Group (SGR2017-2020, AGAUR),the HAMLETS research project (funded by RercerCaixa, a program promoted by ACUP & Obra Social “La Caixa”; see:, the UAB Doctoral Studies Programme in Geography as well as the REsMi Network (see:, and are coordinated by Dr Ricard Morén-Alegret.
presents the
16th GRM Annual Seminar Series on Migration
Department of Geography, Autonomous University of Barcelona, UAB-GEO-GRM
2018 Programme
24 April 2018, 11:30h. Michele Nori, European University Institute, EUI:
Living with uncertainty – learning from pastoralists
24 May 2018, 11:30h. Anthony Liew, ICTA-UAB:
Forced Migration: The Ecological Burden of Hosting Refugees?
29 May 2018, 11:30h. Ruth McAreavey, Newcastle University, UK:
The Integration of Migrants in Peripheral and Rural Regions: A Case Study of Northern Ireland
All sessions are open to the public. The April and May sessions will take place in Aula 301 at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)’s Arts & Humanities Faculty (Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres), located in Bellaterra campus.
**Seats will be available on a first-come, first-served, basis.
***Please, before attending a seminar, outside visitors are advised to check this website to confirm details and to take into account last minute changes.
The seminars are held within the framework of the HAMLETS research project (funded by RercerCaixa, a program promoted by ACUP & Obra Social “La Caixa”; see:, the ECONECOL Research Group (SGR2017-2019, AGAUR), the UAB Doctoral Studies Programme in Geography as well as the REsMi Network (see:, and are coordinated by Dr Ricard Morén-Alegret.

Book presentation:
11 October 2018, 12h. Ryan Alaniz, California Polytechnic State University, USA:
From Strangers to Neighbors: Resettlement and Recovery in Post-Disaster Honduras
Venue: Sala DAG, Departament de Geografia, Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres, campus de Bellaterra, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB
Session postponed to the 2018-2019 academic year*:
(TBC*). Daniela del Bene, ICTA-UAB:
Environmental refugees? Unpacking and exploring forced displacements and involuntary migrations in environmental conflicts
The 15th GRM Annual Seminar Series on Migration
Department of Geography, Autonomous University of Barcelona, UAB/GEO/GRM
2017 Programme
9 May 2017, 11:30h. Josepha Milazzo, Aix-Marseille Université:
Lugar, inmigración y geografía de una ‘aldea’ global. El caso de Cadaqués
18 May 2017, 11:30h. Natàlia Ribas-Mateos, Trans-MENA:
Migracions, Mobilitats i la Primavera Àrab. Ressorgiment del dret a tenir drets a les fronteres?
23 May 2017, 11:30h. Àlex Cubells, Geografia UAB:
El comerç paquistanès a Barcelona. Explorant el cas del barri de Camp de l’Arpa
All sessions are open to the public and will take place in Aula 101 at the Philosophy & Arts Faculty (Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres) of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB, located in Bellaterra campus.
*Seats will be available on a first-come, first-served, basis.
**Please, before attending a seminar, outside visitors are advised to check the website to confirm details and to take into account last minute changes.
*** The language used by the speaker in each seminar is indicated in the respective titles.
*** These seminars are held within the framework of the Trans-MENA project (MINECO 2017-2019), the UAB Doctoral Studies Programme on Geography and the Migration Research Programme of Grup de Recerca Consolidat Interfase (SGR2014-2017, AGAUR). This seminar series have been awarded by the Dean of the UAB Philosophy & Arts Faculty and is coordinated by Dr. Ricard Morén-Alegret.

14th GRM Annual Seminar Series on Migration
Department of Geography, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB/GEO/GRM
February – May 2016
23 February 2016, 11:30h. Polina Palash, Aix-Marseille Université, France:
Lazos transnacionales entre familias ecuatorianas en Barcelona y en Ecuador: dinámicas de protección social
26 April 2016, 11:30h. Elisa Brey, Universidad Complutense de Madrid:
Carreras migratorias y políticas de integración en la región de Madrid
28 April 2016, 11:30h. Marco Aparicio Wilhelmi, Universitat de Girona:
El règim d’estrangeria: l’excepcionalitat com a norma
17 May 2016, 11:30h. Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas, Universitat Pompeu Fabra:
Condicions per a la ciutadania: residencia, família, comportament o vulnerabilitat
24 May 2016, 11:30h. Fátima Velez-Castro, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal:
Forced migration: an analysis at the light of anthropic risks
All sessions are open to the public and will take place in Aula 101 at the Philosophy and Arts Faculty (Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres) of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB, located in Bellaterra campus. Seats will be available on a first-come, first-served, basis.
* Please, before attending a seminar, outside visitors are advised to check the website to confirm details and to take into account last minute changes.
** The language used by the speaker in each seminar is indicated in the respective titles.
These seminars are held in the framework of the Migration Research Programme of Grup de Recerca Consolidat Interfase (SGR2014-2016, AGAUR) and are coordinated by professor Ricard Morén-Alegret

13th Annual Seminar Series on Migration GRM-UAB
GRM, Department of Geography, UAB
April – May 2015
30 April 2015, 11:30h. Dirk Gebhardt, Marie Curie Researcher, UPF, Spain:
Ciudades y ciudadanía para inmigrantes – Barcelona y Madrid comparadas
5 May 2015, 11:30h. Beatriz Felipe, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, URV, Tarragona, Spain:
Los movimientos de población inducidos por el cambio climático: retos para el Derecho internacional
28 May 2015, 11h. Ana Cecilia Dinerstein, University of Bath, England, UK:
Migrating to another place, venturing beyond the wire
All sessions are open to the public and will take place in Aula 101 of the Philosophy and Arts Faculty (Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres), at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB, in Bellaterra campus. Seats will be available on a first-come, first-served, basis.
* Please, before attending a seminar, outside visitors are advised to check theis website to confirm details and to take into account last minute changes.
** The language used by the speaker in each seminar is indicated in the respective titles.
This seminar series is co-funded by the Dean Office of the UAB Philosophy and Arts Faculty and is coordinated by professor Ricard Morén-Alegret. These events are held in the framework of the Migration Research Programme of Grup de Recerca Consolidat Interfase (SGR2014-2016, AGAUR).

12th Annual Seminar Series on Migration
Special series on Migration, Arts and Culture
GRM, Department of Geography, UAB
September 2013 – May 2014
26 September 2013, 10:30h: Marco Martiniello, Université de Liège (Belgium):
“Popular Arts, Ethnicity and Migration”
26 November 2013, 11:30h: Imma Boj, MHIC, St. Adrià de Besòs (Barcelona):
“Experiències i activitats del Museu d’Història de la Immigració a Catalunya, MHIC”
17 December 2013, 11:30h: Maja Zovko, University of Zadar (Croatia):
“El exotismo, el folklore y las tradiciones en la literatura actual sobre la inmigración”
6 March 2014, 11:30h. Judit Carrera, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB):
“La dimensió cultural de la globalització. Migracions i diversitat cultural al CCCB”
10 April 2014, 11:30h. Gaëlle Patin Laloy, Casa Asia (Barcelona):
“Migración y diversidad: El encuentro intercultural a través de las artes”
8 May 2014, 11:30h. Xavier Torrens, Universitat de Barcelona & Fundació Baruch Spinoza (Barcelona): “Diàspora, diversitat i creativitat. La migració en el novè art i la memòria històrica de la cultura”
All sessions are open to the public and will take place in UAB Bellaterra Campus
The 2013 sessions will take place at “Sala de Juntes” of the Philosophy and Arts Faculty
The 2014 sessions will take place at Aula 108 of the same Philosophy and Arts Faculty
(Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres)
Seats will be available on a first-come, first-served, basis.
* Please, before attending a seminar, outside visitors are advised to check the website to confirm details and to take into account last minute changes.
** The language used by the speaker in each seminar is indicated in the respective titles.
*** In case of questions or doubts, please do not hesitate to contact us:
GRM was distinguished as Consolidated Research Group by AGAUR (Research Agency of the Catalan Government) and it is coordinated by Ricard Morén-Alegret. This seminar series is co-funded by the SGR 2009-2013 programme of AGAUR
Special GRM Seminar series on Climate change and Migration
GRM, Department of Geography, UAB
29 Abril 2014, 11:30h
Dr. Paola Minoia (University of Helsinki)
“Environmental changes, mobilities and people’s memories. Ethnographic work in Kenya (Taita Hills) and Morocco (Tafilalet)”.
The venue will be Aula 108, in Facultat de Folosofia i Lletres, UAB campus in Bellaterra. This session will take place within the Special GRM Seminar series on Climate change and Migration.
20 February 2014, 11:30h
Prof. Lucka Kajfez-Bogataj
(University of Ljubljana & IPCC participant)
“Our response to Climate Change:
How to avoid the Unmanageable and to Manage the Unavoidable”
This session will take place in Aula 108 of the Philosophy and Arts Faculty (Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres) at UAB Bellaterra Campus
11th Annual Seminar Series on Migration
Special series on Migration, Sustainability, Mobility and Environmental Changes
GRM, Departament de Geografia UAB
April – June 2013
Preliminary session:
24 April 2013, 11:30h. Anna Vilaseca i Eduard Trepat, Fundació del Món Rural, FMR (Lleida) “Mobilitat i sostenibilitat en el món rural català. De la transhumància a les migracions”
International sessions:
17 May 2013, 11:30h: Sandra Fatoric, GRM-UAB: “Migration as climate change adaptation? The case of Aiguamolls de l’Empordà (Catalonia, Spain) in an international context”
22 May 2013, 11:30h: Helen Adams, University of Exeter, UK: “Mobility and immobility under environmental change: evidence from Peru and Bangladesh”
29 May 2013, 11:30h: Ethemcan Turhan, ICTA: “Climate Change Adaptation, Migration and Human Security: A critical vision on circular/seasonal migration from Turkey”
5 June 2013, 11:30h: Navinder Singh, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umea, Sweden: “Contrasting human and animal migrations in Central Asia and Europe” (The 5th of June is the World Environment Day)
14 June 2013, 12h: Kees van der Geest, Institute for Environment and Human Security, United Nations University: “Rainfall variability, food insecurity and migration. Empirical evidence from the Where the Rain falls project”
All sessions are open to the public and will take place in “Sala de Juntes” of the Philosophy and Arts Faculty (Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres) at UAB Bellaterra Campus (in front of the main gate of the Faculty). Attendance is free of charge, however seats will be available on a first-come, first-served, basis.
This seminar series is co-funded by the SGR 2009-2013 programme of AGAUR, it is linked to the R+D project CSO2009-13909 (funded by MICINN, 2010-2013) and it is directed by Dr. Ricard Morén-Alegret.
* Please, before attending a seminar, outside visitors are advised to check this website to confirm details and to take into account last minute changes.
** The language used by the speaker in each seminar is indicated in the respective titles.*** In case of questions or doubts, please do not hesitate to contact us: