Participants in the MIGRATION research program of the consolidated and funded research group ECONECOL (SGR2021-2025, AGAUR):

(in alphabetical order)

* Virginie Baby-Collin

* William Berthomière

* Sandra Fatoric

* Maria Lucinda Fonseca

*Consuelo González

* Danièle Joly

*Charalambos Kasimis

* Ruth McAreavey

*Cristóbal Mendoza

* Naïk Miret

* Josepha Milazzo

Ricard Morén-Alegret: Coordinator of the Migration Research Program and this Migration Research Gallery, GRM

* Dawid Wladyka

Participants in the MIGRATION research program of the consolidated and funded research group ECONECOL (SGR2017-2021, AGAUR):

(in alphabetical order)

* Virginie Baby-Collin

* William Berthomière

* Sandra Fatoric

* Maria Lucinda Fonseca

* Danièle Joly

*Charalambos Kasimis

* Ruth McAreavey

* Naïk Miret

* Josepha Milazzo

** Ricard Morén-Alegret: Coordinator of the Migration Research Program and this Migration Research Gallery, GRM

* Dawid Wladyka

Participants a la Línia de Recerca sobre MIGRACIONS del grup de recerca consolidat Interfase (SGR2014-2017):

* Virginie Baby-Collin

* Sandra Fatoric

* Lucinda Fonseca

* Charalambos Kasimis

* Danièle Joly

* Cristóbal Mendoza

* Josepha Milazzo

Ricard Morén Alegret (Coordinador d’aquesta línia de recerca sobre migracions)

* Dawid Wladyka

Former GRM members (September 2009 – June 2014):

Àngels Pascual-de-SansPhD, UAB 1982. Retired Emeritus Professor in Human Geography (GRM Coordinator from 2005 to 2008 and GRM Emeritus coordinator from 2009 to her retirement in 2013)
Ricard Morén-AlegretPhD, Warwick University, UK, 1999. Tenured Assistant Professor and Researcher at the Department of Geography, UAB (Coordinator of GRM from 2009 to 2014 and coordinator of the migration research programme of INTERFASE research group, 2014-2016)
Virginie Baby-CollinPhD, Université de Toulouse II Le Mirail, 2000. TeleMMe, Aix-Marseille Université (Maître de conférences, Pôle géographie). (member of GRM).
Sandra FatoricPhD in Geography, UAB, 2014. Master in Environmental Sciences (UAB, 2010). Currently, she is carrying out a PhD research project at the Geography Department, UAB (member of GRM)
Montserrat FeixasPhD, UAB 2007. Civil Servant of the UNHCR (member of GRM)
Danièle JolyPhD, Aston University, UK, 1982. Emeritus Professor, University of Warwick, UK, & Marie Curie Fellow MSH-Paris, France (member of GRM).
Albert Mas PalaciosPhD, UAB, 2014. Master in Territorial and Population Studies, Geography Department, UAB, 2009.
Cristóbal MendozaPhD, King’s College London 1998. Lecturer and researcher in Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico. (member of GRM)
Josepha MilazzoCarrying out an international PhD research project at the Geography Department, UAB, and at Aix-Marseille University (France). Member of UMR 6570-TELEMMe and of GRM.
Dan Rodríguez GarcíaPh.D., UAB 2002. Tenured Assistant Professor and Researcher at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, UAB (member of GRM).
Miguel SolanaPhD, UAB 2001. Lecturer and researcher at the Department of Geography, UAB. (member of GRM)
Papa SowPhD, UAB 2004. (member of GRM)
Dawid WladykaPhD, UAB, 2013. Master in Sociology (University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland, 2007). Lecturer in Texas University, USA. (member of GRM)

Former GRM Collaborators

(September 2009-June 2014)

Lucinda FonsecaUniversidade de Lisboa, Portugal (Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, Professora Catedrática). PhD, Universidade de Lisboa, 1989.
Graeme HugoUniveristy of Adelaide, Australia (ARC Australian Professorial Fellow, Professor of Geography and Director of the Australian Population and Migration Research Centre at the University of Adelaide).
Charalambos KasimisAgricultural University of Athens, Grecia (Professor, Laboratory of Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Systems & Rural Sociology)
Verónica de Miguel Luken
PhD, UAB 2007. Demographer and statistician (collaborator of GRM)
Eva Østergaard-NielsenPhD, Oxford 1999. Tenured Assistant Professor and Researcher at the Department of Political Sciences, UAB (collaborator of GRM)

Other former External Collaborators

Jordi CardelúsSenior sociologist and economist trained in Paris and Barcelona (external collaborator of GRM)
Francesc EspinetPhD, UAB 1992. Retired Senior Lecturer in Contemporary History at the UAB. (external collaborator of GRM)
Helena EstalellaPhD, UAB 1982
Emeritus Professor in Human Geography (external collaborator of GRM)
Xavier FerrerPhD in Human Geography, UAB, 2008 (collaborator of GRM)
Pau MotaPhD, UAB 2007. (external collaborator of GRM)
Clara Carme ParramonAnthropologist specialised in internal migration in Spain, women migration and qualitative methods of analysis. (external collaborator of GRM)
Berta PongiluppiEconomist trained at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (external collaborator of GRM)