This GRM website and the historical content is migrating from one web server to another web server at UAB. In addition, the new GRM website is gradually being updated. Thanks for your patience.
In February 2021, within the framework of the radio initiative named “Peasant Wave” (“Ona Pagesa“, Arrels Ràdio, via Anchor.FM), Ricard Morén-Alegret participated in a radio programme on “Strategies for repopulating small villages“. He talked about the research project titled “HAMLETS. Immigration and Sustainable Development in Small Villages“, funded by the RECERCAIXA Programme, an iniciative promoted by ‘la Caixa’ Foundation and the Catalan Association of Public Universities, ACUP (2017-2020). You can read more information and listen the podcast in the following link:
In July 2020, within the context of a Pyrenees iniciative, Ricard Morén-Alegret colaborated with the Catalan News Agency (ACN) in order to communicate reflections on the situation in small villages and some results from the HAMLETS project. This colaboration with ACN was published by several regional and local media, like the following ones:
- Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals (CCMA):
- Diari ARA:
- REGIÓ 7:
Instances of the impact on the mass media during February 2020 of the Barcelona Macaya Palace CONFERENCE-FORUM linked to the HAMLETS research project:
*CADENA SER (Radio station) – HORA 14 CATALUNYA (radio program) – 8 February 2020, 14:14h – 00:02:09 minutes:
*LA VANGUARDIA (National newspaper) – 8 February 2020:
*ABC (National Newspaper) – 8 February 2020
*DIARI DE GIRONA (Regional newspaper) – 9 February 2020
Some news about the ENTREPRENEURIAL FORUM held in Tuixent, Alt Urgell, Lleida Pyrenees in December 2019. This forum was linked to the HAMLETS research project and was organised from the UAB by Ricard MorénAlegret, with participation of Francesc Romagosa:
Catalunya Informació Radio:
Pyrenees Television:
On the 23rd of May 2019 from 7pm to 8pm a monographic radio programme on human depopulation and repopulation in European rural areas took place on the public radio station CATALUNYA INFORMACIÓ. This program was conducted by journalist Gloria Marín and included the participation of Núria Albà, Associació de Micropobles de Catalunya; Joan Caball, coordinador d’Unió de Pagesos; and geographer Ricard Morén-Alegret (UAB). The audio file of that program and additional details can be found in the following links: &

On 15 April 2019 the research project titled HAMLETS. Immigration and Sustainable Development in Small Villages (funded by the RecerCaixa Programme and carried out mainly from UAB) participated in a round table on rural depopulation and repopulation that took place during the first hour of the “De Boca a Orella” radio program of Radio 4, the radio station in Catalonia of the Spanish National Radio corporation, i.e. Radio Nacional de España (RNE). Various relevant actors of rural Catalonia participated in the debate. If you want to listen to that radio program, you can click the following link:
For more information, please pay also attention to Twitter activity about it, for instance:

Foto: Ràdio 4
In November 2017 the research project HAMLETS. Immigration and Sustainable Development in Small Villages (funded by RecerCaixa: participated in a long-established TV program devoted to economic issues and debates: Valor Afegit, TV3 (the public TV channel of Catalonia). The TV report was titled “Micro-villages, Macro-territories”.

PERIOD 2009-2013
Last October 2013 Albert Mas was interviewed in Sants 3 Ràdio to present the project Concordia Discors ( This innovative comparative project funded by the European Commission and coordinated by FIERI (Italy), studied in 2011 and 2012 integration and conflict in two districts of five European cities: London, Budapest, Barcelona, Turin and Nuremberg. The study in Barcelona was coordinated by Ricard Moren-Alegret and counted with the participation of Dawid Wladyka and Albert Mas. The interview is available at: Entrevista-Albert Mas_Sants-3-Radio_oct2013
On 15 May 2013, on the occasion of the International Day of Families, Dan Rodríguez was interviewed in Radio Nacional de España (Radio 5) and talked about immigration and mixed couples/families. The interview is available in the following link:
On the 10th of May 2013 an article titled “Navegaciones e integraciones” and written by Ricard Morén-Alegret was published in La Vanguardia daily newspaper. The article is available both in Spanish and Catalan languages (with a note by the author) in the following links: ,
New broadcasted by ‘L’Autònoma Tv’ about the Preliminary session of the 11th GRM Annual Seminar Series on Migration (24 April 2013, Anna Vilaseca and Eduard Trepat, Fundació del Món Rural, FMR, “Mobilitat i sostenibilitat en el món rural català. De la transhumància a les migracions”)
On Saturday 2 February 2013 an interview with Àngels Pascual de Sans was broadcasted on Badalona TV within the framework of the series titled “Les dones sàvies” (The wise women). It is possible to watch that program in the following website address:
On October 23 2012, Dan Rodríguez-García participated as an invited expert speaker on intermarriage for the debate programme “Intercultural couples: problems, prejudices and everyday life”, El Mirall, broadcast by Catalunya Radio (The National Radio of Catalonia). Online access to the program:
On October 15 2012, Dan Rodríguez-García was interviewed as an expert speaker on the topic “The brain drain as a negative impact of Catalan emigration” for the news programme L’Observatori, broadcast by La Xarxa (Municipal Radios’ Network), Barcelona, October 15. Online access to the program:
Broadcast of the popular science documentary video “Iberiana. Procesos de integración de inmigrantes en cinco pequeñas ciudades de la España peninsular” in the TVE program “La aventura del saber” and the channel “Indagando TV”. Download the news related clicking the following links: IndagantdoTv ; Indaganda ; La aventura del saber.
Article published into (13/10/2009) about the project “Inmigración extranjera, sentido de lugar e identidad territorial en cinco pequeñas ciudades de España – Foreign immigration, sense of place and territorial identity in five small towns in Spain” (2006-2009), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and which Principal Investigator is Ricard Morén. Read the article in the following link or download it in pdf clicking here.
Ricard Morén participates in the debate “El mobbing rural” of the TV3 program “Els matins” (21/01/2009 – 08:00h.-13:15h., program nº 1006). TOPIC OF THE DAY: “The rural mobbing ” (Debate with Josep Cuní): Participants: Pilar RAHOLA, journalist and writer; Rafael VALLBONA, journalist and writer; Ricard HERRERO, President del Consell Comarcal del Baix Empordà; Roser VERNET, businesswoman of rural tourism; Pere RUBIOLA, agriculture farmer, La Selva, and president of the syndicate JARC; David GINESTÀ, president of Associació de Comerciants de Puigcerdà; Ricard MORÉN-ALEGRET, migratory movements expert, GRM, Dept. Geografia, UAB; Gemma CÀNOVES, Geography Professor, UAB.
News related to the ‘Managing Immigration and Diversity in Quebec and Canada Forum’ :
Click to see the media news related to the Forum.
Interview to Dan Rodríguez broadcasted by the radio CBC International from Canada, 28th November 2008.
Interview to Dan Rodríguez published in the magazine ‘Wanafrica’ nº34, December 2008, pages 15-16.
Interview to Papa Sow published in the newspaper La Mañana de Lleida (9th of june 2008, p. 12). The Interview was done because of the Primer Congrés Internacional de Codesenvolupament that took place in Lleida on April 2008. Click here to see the interview.
Media news related to the publication of the Ricard Moren’s book “Bon cop de mà”:
Article about the book “Bon cop de mà” published on the Xarxa Associativa i de Voluntariat de Catalunya “” (June 2010). Click to go to the article.
Article published into Diari Avui (4/10/2009) related to Ricard Moren’s research about human towers world and immigration. Read the article clicking the following link or download it in pdf clicking here.
Interview to Ricard Morén broadcasted in the tv program “Quarts de nou” (program 56, 17/06/2007). Click here to see the interview.
Article published into AVUI newspaper, p. 36. Thursday 26th of April 2007. Click here to see the interview.
Interview to Ricard Morén published into Diari de Sabadell on 28th of April 2007. Click here to see the interview.
Interview to Àngels Pacual published in the magazine Presència (form 2nd to 8th of February 2007). Click here to see the interview.