Generació d’Idees is a program organized by Parc de Recerca UAB, to promote entrepreneurship among researchers. Communications, mental health, environment… They focus on a different topic in each edition, and this time, it was the turn of biotechnology.
During 17 sessions, researchers were given the tools to develop innovative solutions in the biotechnology field. They had modelling classes, mentoring sessions, etc., and then, after all this time, they presented six different projects to a board of experts. The most innovative one was selected… and guess which one was it! Yessss: MitoTreat!
MitoTreat was developed by Emma, Elisenda and Albert, and consists in using Cannabidiol, a substance found in cannabis, to treat mitochondrial disease. Cannabidiol has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, analgesic, neuroprotective and anti-convulsive proprieties.
In animal models of mitochondrial diseases it showed excellent results, and now they want to start the preclinical trial in humans.
The project obtained a 1500 euro prize and 6 months of incubation at Eureka building, at Parc de Recerca, to improve the transference of the drug to the market.