Addressing Students:
The form by which readers are addressed throughout the Course Guide is “student(s)” (singular and plural as required).
- Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised publics
- If a student fails the first exam, he/she cannot take the second exam without submitting additional work
Do not use the form “you” to refer to the reader.
Referring to Teachers:
The form by which teachers are referred to throughout the Course Guide is “teacher(s)” (singular and plural as required).
- Teachers will provide the class with a course calendar in the first week
- The teacher will assess students’ presentations
Do not refer to teachers as “we” or to the teacher as “I”.
Observations on the use of singular and plural forms of address
Where possible, use the plural (students/teachers).
The use of the plural in these cases, and of the corresponding pronouns forms (they/their), avoids the need for gender-specific reference.
For further remarks, see Comments.