Post-doc offer
The Plant Environmental Epigenetics lab offers a 2-year postdoctoral position to work with the epigenetic regulation of plant adaptation to environemental changes. The work to develop can include bioinformatics analyses, the generation of RNA-seq, ChIP-seq and protein interactome studies.
The profile we are searching is a person under 30 (Programa INVESTIGO) with a recent Ph.D. in the area of Biosciences (Biochemistry, Biology, Biotechnology, etc.).
We offer a full-time contract with a flexible schedule, starting on September 2023 (or earlier).
If you are interested, please contact as soon as possible with the PI Jordi Moreno-Romero ( for further details.
Deadline for application this June 11th!
Brief description of the tasks
The main goal of the work will focus on studying the epigenetic regulation of plant perception and adaptation to grow in high densities. In particular, the experiments performed by the postdoc will be to explore the spatial-temporal dynamics of the epigenetic mark H3K27me3 (and other Polycomb related mechanisms) in plants and its conservation among plant species and stresses.
Wet lab experiments (gene expression analysis, chromatin immunoprecipitation, interaction studies, etc.) and/or in silico analysis (depending on the postdoc profile) will be developed. With this work, we aim to give plant breeders genetic and epigenetic targets, aiming to develop crops better adapted to grow in high densities, reducing land usage and other resources, therefore obtaining a more sustainable agriculture.

More info about this contract (CODI PLAÇA: 200076ID3):
*Information in Catalan, contact that will explain the contract conditions