One of the key parts of science, and in opinion, what really is it all about, is to communicate one’s research, to announce your results to colleagues and to give back to society by explaining the breakthroughs (or complications) of our research, even if that means (sometimes), cancelled flights, a lot of flying hours, delayed luggage, frequent flier miles and jet lag (having the change to reach gold medallion status is a small perk).
And April was one of those months. I was really honored to represent the lab in the 1st Neurobiology Meeting of the Mexican Society for Biochemistry, which was held in Puebla, Mexico.
It was full of really good science, scientists, and friends! so lots of things to learn and to transfer to the lab (yay!). Also, the venue was incredible… Just look at the pictures!

And… just after the flight back, take the high speed train to Madrid to a really wonderful experience. I was invited to meet, talk and present our research to the spanish association of mitochondrial disease patients and families (AEPMI). It is always humbling and extraordinary to meet with the families and the kids, as it really tells you that
whatever we do, no matter how small it seems, it matters
And that is that gets us running!