Marie Curie fellowships

  We have EXCELLENT news: Laura and Marta got both a Marie Curie fellowship! They are brilliant – this is an extremely competitive grant, especially this year that the European Commission received a record number of applications.There were more than 11,000 proposals, and only 1,630 were selected. Two of them are Laura’s and Marta’s! The […]

Two amazing new doctors

As the new year begins, we would like to look back to 2020 for a last minute. It was a tough year, but the scientific community got two amazing new doctors! Pati defended her PhD, ESTUDIO DEL PERFIL TRADUCCIONAL CITOSÓLICO Y MITOCONDRIAL DE POBLACIONES NEURONALES SUSCEPTIBLES A LA DEFICIENCIA DEL COMPLEJO I MITOCONDRIAL, in December, […]

Our project has been selected by La Marató 2019

Our research project ‘Modulation of mitochondrial retrograde signaling as a treatment for Leigh syndrome’ has been selected by La Marató de TV3 Foundation, within its 2019 edition, dedicated to rare diseases, to receive 300,000 euros of funding. It is a collaboration between Dr. Francesc Xavier Soriano’s lab and ours, in which we are going to […]

Gooooood news

We have big good news at Quintanalab. Pati already deposited her PhD Eli was selected to be a Ramon y Cajal researcher Albert is now a tenured associate professor Everything was adequately celebrated with pizza last Friday: We are very happy! Cheeeers!

How is long-term memory created and consolidated?

Albert and Eli participated in an international study published in Nature, which describes the processes occurring in the hippocampal neurons to create long-lasting memories. Long-term memory is a brain mechanism that allows us to encode and retain an almost unlimited amount of information throughout our lifetime. Key proteins that activate protein synthesis, such as the […]

La Caixa Foundation will fund our project!

We are very happy to announce we have been selected to receive a grant from La Caixa Foundation to investigate new therapies for mitochondrial disease! It has been a very competitive process, in which only 8 projects were selected out over 150 proposals, so we have some cava in the fridge! Our project will focus […]

4th of July

What was last Saturday’s day number? Yes, it was the 4th of July. What happens on every 4th of July? Yes, we celebrate a BBQ to commemorate the United States’ Independence Declaration. O say, can you see by the dawn’s early light…  You can tell we miss Seattle 😀 We went to El Bosc Tancat, […]


We have been told about this great project, Mitowomen, which is a database to make the women working on mitochondria research more visible. The aim is to create a network for collaboration and to boost women representation on editorial boards, as keynote speakers in conferences, in invited special issues, as reviewers, on grant funding panels […]


Emma is the first author of an article published in Nature Communications about the existing differences among neurons expressing dopamine D2 receptors in the striatum. It is an international collaboration in which Albert and Eli also participated. The striatum is a brain region involved in motor control, habit formation, decision-making, motivation and reinforcement, among other […]