These are difficult days all around the world. Here in Barcelona, the number of infected people is still increasing, with no prospects for improvement in the short term. Hospitals are facing a lack of human and material resources, hence our University made a call to gather protection and detection equipment. Among other material, they collected […]
Last Tuesday was the Women in Science Day, a day to put the focus on female researchers, whose contributions in Science have been silenced across the History. Even today, male scientists occupy higher positions, receive more funding and have more visibility. One of the consequences is the lack of referees for girls, who might be […]
The UAB communications team made a super cool video about our research in Leigh Syndrome (thank you very much!). Yay! Albert is almost a star! We will never be tired of spreading the word in mitochondrial diseases and explain the research we are carrying out in the lab:
A project led by Albert is going to receive funding from the Ministerio de Innovación, Ciencia y Universidades (MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). The project, titled “Potencial de la leriglitazona para el tratamiento de enfermedades asociadas a la acumulación de hierro, distrofias y enfermedades neuromusculares” aims to test the use of this drug (leriglitazone), provided by the lab Minoryx, […]
Weren’t you missing a post about Thanksgiving? We celebrated it, OF COURSE! Almost all of us gathered together in Albert and Eli’s house, to eat delicious food and drink delicious wine. The hosts prepared the main dish: a huge turkey (14-pounder) that went into the oven at 10 in the morning so it could be […]
At the beginning of the month, the Institut de Neurociències celebrated its 7th Scientific Conferences, and we were -obviously- there! The event was held in Sant Feliu de Guíxols, by the sea, in the nicest hotel, and gathered together more than 120 students and institute members. Albert was the conference coordinator and worked very hard […]
Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.
We are very glad to announce that our MitoCBD project has been selected for a CaixaImpulse grant. MitoCBD consists in investigating the use of Cannabidiol (CBD), a substance obtained from the cannabis plant, for the treatment of mitochondrial disease. It has been proved that CBD has anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, and it was also found […]
We have a new article! Elife published our study in Leigh Syndrome, the most common mitochondrial disease with affectation of the central nervous System. In this disease, there are two brain regions that are particularly compromised: the brainstem (that controls all basic functions that keep us alive) and the basal ganglia, involved in refining motor […]
Albert, Eli, Álex and Irene are a bit nostalgic of their lives in USA, and they celebrate every North-American festivity they can. This time, we met at Andrea’s house in el Penedès (thank you again for offering the house) to honour the USA independence on the 4th of July. Cold beers in the swimming pool, […]