Last Thursday 15th was the Open Doors day at the institute. 90 students from the Institut Torras i Bages and the Lycée Français de Barcelone visited the facilities of the center and learned about what we do in the laboratories. We had the opportunnity to talk to them about how our research can help understand […]
Last 10th and 11th of October, the INc celebrated its VI Scientific Conferences, and we were obviously there. It was fantastic! More than 130 researchers and students gathered together in a beautiful hotel, in Sant Feliu de Guíxols, to present their research and foster collaborations. PhD students of 2nd year gave scientific communications explaining their […]
Happy #MitoAwarenessWeek!
The European Research Council (ERC) has selected us for a Proof of Concept grant to develop a new research line focused on a novel approach to figh antibiotic resistances: the ResisTEST. This project, derived from the knowledge and experience gathered with NEUROMITO, has been chosen for its innovation potential, its significant impact and its quality, […]
We know it has been a while since April, but let us tell you about La Fira de la Recerca en Directe, an amazing Science Fair in which we were involved (yes, in April… these have been very busy months!). During 4 days, we were at the CosmoCaixa Science museum, showing our research and doing […]
Here it is the talk Albert gave for the first Federative Day for Neuroscience in Strasbourg, organized by Doctoneuro, on April 20th, 2018 – Nice summary about what mitochondrial diseases are and what work we do in the lab!
As part of our Outreach activities, last week, together with other researchers at Institut de Neurociències (INc), the QuintanaLab participated in the INc-Open Doors Day 2017. 20 high school students aged 15-17 visited our laboratory and learned firsthand what a scientific research laboratory is like and how the research is carried out. We explained them […]
Last week, the Quintana lab attended the 1st European PhD and Postdoc Symposium held in the beautiful, Pompeian Style, Palauet Casades in Barcelona, Spain. The international event was possible through the ENABLE (European Academy for Biomedical Science) initiative, part of the European Union Horizon 2020, for young researchers in Life Sciences. It was a very successful initiative with […]
Again this year, Researchers, Students and Administrative Staff of the Institut de Neurociències (INc) were called to participate to the 2nd edition of the HALLOWINc PUMPKIN CARVING CONTEST 2017!! The topic of this year was to decorate a pumpkin about something related to Science History. So we got creative!!!… and showed the evolution from monkeys […]
LIGHT UP FOR MITO!!! During this week, please help Raise Awareness for Mitochondrial disease. Light a green light, wear green, share your experience, learn about mitochondrial disease, take part in the different activities! Just a little green light can go very far!!! For more information on mitochondrial disease and mito actions!: Mito Awareness Week UMDF […]