Our latest paper is out!

We are really excited that our latest paper, in collaboration with the Bellen lab at Baylor, has been published in the prestigious journal Cell. Our work, titled: Glial lipid droplets and ROS induced by mitochondrial defects promote neurodegeneration, has identified a conserved mechanism that leads to neuronal death after mitochondrial defects. In this study, the Bellen […]


Step by step… oh baby… That was the first line of a 1990 cheesy song… but step by step is the way the Quintana lab is growing. We are really really excited to announce the new additions to the lab: Dr. Irene Bolea is joining the lab as a postdoctoral fellow. She will be the force behind our experiments […]

Big Welcome to Kelsey

So, the Quintana Lab keeps celebrating 🙂 This week we have just added a new member to the team, Kelsey Montgomery, our brand-new technician-geneticist (or geneticist-technician). She got her BSc from UGA (Genetics) and she has gained very valuable experience working in a BioTech. We are fortunate she decided to join us 🙂   She has […]

Jessica impresses at Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium

This past Friday Jessica Hui was in charge of showing her work in the Quintana Lab at the Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium. The event was a blast with thousands of undergraduates presenting their contributions to science in a formal-but-relaxed, setting. Overall, a great experience and the perfect way to get the feet wet on their scientific career. […]