The first MITONED International Workshop in Seville

On January 9th and 10th, 2025, Seville hosted the inaugural MITONED International Workshop at the Salón de Actos del Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). This event brought together leading researchers in the field of mitochondrial diseases, united by the MITONED network. The workshop featured keynote presentations from renowned international scientists. Among them, Elisenda delivered […]

New article in Nature Comms!

We are thrilled to announce that our latest study, led by Emma and coordinated by Albert, has been published in Nature Communications! In the study, our research team explored the therapeutic potential of CBD, a non-psychoactive compound derived from cannabis, as a treatment for Leigh Syndrome. As you may know, Leigh Syndrome is a severe […]

XIII Neurobiology Symposium (Societat Catalana de Biologia)

The Societat Catalana de Biologia celebrated the 13th edition of their Neurobiology symposium, this week, at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans. Marcos, Gunter, Armin and Maria Helena presented their research projects (excellent talks!), and Mònica won the best poster award. Mònica’s poster was about the research they are carrying out in trying to understand the role […]

Neurons responsible for motion sickness identified

We just published a paper in PNAS in which we describe in mice which specific neurons transmit the signals that cause this discomfort. In this article, which is a collaboration with the University of Washington, we analyzed the cells of the vestibular nuclei of mice subjected to short and repeated rounds of spinning, and demonstrated […]

Laura Cutando awarded with a Ramon y Cajal contract

The Agencia Estatal de Investigación announced the provisional list of researchers awarded with a Ramon y Cajal contract and we are extremely happy as Laura Cutando has been selected. The purpose of this grant is to promote the incorporation of researchers with an outstanding career into research organizations, so that they acquire the skills that […]

Cannabidiol receives an orphan drug designation from the EMA for the treatment of Leigh syndrome

Emma, Albert and Eli filed the application to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which has recently designated this compound as an orphan drug for the treatment of a rare disease. To facilitate the development and authorization of drugs for rare diseases, regulatory agencies can give certain medicines the designation of orphan drugs, which gives them […]

Calçotada 2023

One more time, we celebrated a calçotada at Andrea’s grandparents’ house, in a small village of El Penedès. Old, new, and who knows if future (!) generations of Quintanalab members were reunited for the best of the reasons: eating calçots until our bodies complained. Although it was a team game, Alex was the main cheff, […]

Brain Awareness Week

Last Friday, within the Brain Awareness Week, Laura Cutando gave a talk to 9-year-old students from Escola Enric Grau i Fontseré, in Flix. It was the end of a series of workshops, organized by the INc-UAB communications department and the educational cooperative Eduxarxa, in which students discovered the nervous system. In the talk, Laura told […]

We have an ERC Proof of Concept grant!

We have great news! The European Research Council awarded Albert with a Proof of Concept grant to work on ResisCHIP, a kit we are developing to quickly detect antimicrobial resistance (AMR). AMR causes over 700.000 deaths each year and is associated to reduced quality of life, increased hospitalization periods and medical costs. Hence, developing fast […]