The UAB communications team made a super cool video about our research in Leigh Syndrome (thank you very much!). Yay! Albert is almost a star! We will never be tired of spreading the word in mitochondrial diseases and explain the research we are carrying out in the lab:
A project led by Albert is going to receive funding from the Ministerio de Innovación, Ciencia y Universidades (MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). The project, titled “Potencial de la leriglitazona para el tratamiento de enfermedades asociadas a la acumulación de hierro, distrofias y enfermedades neuromusculares” aims to test the use of this drug (leriglitazone), provided by the lab Minoryx, […]
At the beginning of the month, the Institut de Neurociències celebrated its 7th Scientific Conferences, and we were -obviously- there! The event was held in Sant Feliu de Guíxols, by the sea, in the nicest hotel, and gathered together more than 120 students and institute members. Albert was the conference coordinator and worked very hard […]
We are very glad to announce that our MitoCBD project has been selected for a CaixaImpulse grant. MitoCBD consists in investigating the use of Cannabidiol (CBD), a substance obtained from the cannabis plant, for the treatment of mitochondrial disease. It has been proved that CBD has anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, and it was also found […]
We published our first preprint last week. For those who aren’t familiarized, a preprint is a study to be published in a Journal, that has not been reviewed yet. The aim is to make the results available as soon as possible so Science can advance faster. We are very excited about it, and very happy […]
Happy #MitoAwarenessWeek!
Last week, the Quintana lab attended the 1st European PhD and Postdoc Symposium held in the beautiful, Pompeian Style, Palauet Casades in Barcelona, Spain. The international event was possible through the ENABLE (European Academy for Biomedical Science) initiative, part of the European Union Horizon 2020, for young researchers in Life Sciences. It was a very successful initiative with […]
Wow! what a busy time this past year has been! Many (good) things and (good) news to explain! New members, new papers, exciting science… here you are a picture of the lab just before summer break! First of all, we are glad to announce three! new additions to the lab: Kelsey, Fabien and Patrizia. (disclaimer: […]