Tot alló que volies saber, escoltar, xerrar o discutir, i tot alló que no volies, al mateix puesto.

Un lloc de trobada per lletraferits, punkies, hippies, i d’altres espècies.

Des d’algún racó… dins la @UABarcelona [participa!]

First We Take Trafamaldore, then we read Homer.


Billy Pilgrim has come unstuck in time.

(K. Vonnegut, ‘Slaughterhouse Five’)

… o alguna cosa així:

[ποταμῷ γὰρ οὐκ ἔστιν εμβῆναι δὶς τῷ αὐτῷ καθ’ Ἡράκλειτον οὐδὲ θνητῆς οὐσίας δὶς ἅψασθαι κατὰ ἕξιν <τῆς αὐτῆς>· ἀλλ’ ὀξύτητι καὶ τάχει μεταβολῆς] σκίδνησι καὶ πάλιν συνάγει [(μᾶλλον δὲ οὐδὲ πάλιν οὐδ’ ὕστερον, ἀλλ’ ἅμα)] συνίσταται καὶ ἀπολείπει καὶ πρόσεισι καὶ ἄπεισι

[For, according to Heraclitus, it is not possible to step twice into the same river, nor is it possible to touch a mortal substance twice in so far as its state is concerned. But, thanks to the swiftness and speed of change,] it scatters <things> and brings <them> together again, [(or, rather, it brings together and lets go neither again nor later, but simultaneously)] it forms and dissolves, and it approaches and departs.

(Heraclit, Fragments)