The Workshop will be held on Friday,  August 31, 2018, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Data mining of social data for urban planning
  • Social data analytics for city evaluation
  • Social data integration or fusion
  • Social IoT
  • Knowledge integration
  • Social, Knowledge and Big Data integration
  • Urban and city dynamics sensoring
  • Crowd dynamics at large scale of events
  • Big social data applied to neglected populations
  • Traffic and human mobility
  • Big social data modeling, visualization, analysis, and prediction
  • Urban economics based on social data
  • Social behavior modeling, understanding, and patterns mining in urban spaces
  • Ethical issues in social data analysis
  • Public safety, security, and privacy in urban sensing
  • Semantics for big social data
  • Visualization of city-wide social data in urban areas
  • Smart recommendations in urban spaces
  • Mining data from the internet of things in urban areas
  • Managing urban big social data in the cloud
  • Big social data and IoT frameworks and infrastructures
  • Smart city open data
  • Ubiquitous/pervasive intelligent social systems in urban areas
  • Understanding urban economy based on big social data
  • Location-based social networks enabling urban computing scenarios
  • Intelligent delivery services in cities
  • Influences from the real physical world on social data, and viceversa +