Mesa Hispana de Análisis de Redes Sociales en el XL Sunbelt de París

Carlos Contreras-Ibáñez (UAM-Iztapalapa), Alejandro García Macías (Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes) and Francisca Ortiz (The University of Manchester).

Abstract. Social network analysts’ community, working in Latin America, Spain, Portugal and other countries, is vibrant, diverse, growing and dedicated both to research and the applications of SNA to critical social problems. Since the XXI Sunbelt (Budapest, 2001) the workshop “Mesa Hispana” has gathered researchers interested in SNA from the IberoAmerican world aimed to develop this community within the INSNA framework (Maya Jariego & Molina, 2004), helping to initiate and maintain links amongst this transnational community of researchers. The Sunbelt 2020 is an auspicious occasion to bring together again community representatives, start new collaborative projects, having close theoretical and practical discussions, and review recent developments across disciplines. This proposal for a VII edition of the Mesa Hispana aims to offer a space to assess the state of connections, the challenges and collective actions for the future of this community, through oral communications, informal academic exchanges, and a broad participation which could include online colleagues if they can’t travel.