Structural studies on RNA & RNases

09:00-09:10Welcome OpeningEster Boix
09:10-10:00Opening LectureAlexander Dalpke
(Heidelberg University Hospital)
How RNA Processing and Modifications affect RNA Immunerecognition
10:00-10:40Invited TalkGiovanni Gotte
(University of Verona)
Oligomerization of secretory RNases: novelties from some RNase-A like enzymes
10:40-11:10Coffee Break
11:10-11:50Invited TalkJiarui Li
Structural basis for RNase 2 selective ncRNA cleavage
11:50-12:30Invited TalkRoeland Boer
(ALBA Synchrotron)
Tools for Protein-Nucleic acid complexes
12:30-13:10Invited TalkGeorgios A. Spyroulias
(University of Patras)
Structural analysis of RNA-binding proteins by NMR
12:10-13:25Cutting-edge Oral Talk
13:25-14:10Lunch Break
14:10-15:00Poster Session