Musical creativity and Artificial Intelligence

Location: Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres de la UAB
Time: from 1-6pm

How will Artificial Intelligence radically revolutionize the way we make, interpret and listen to music? The event of the 19th will bring together prominent artists and scientists who work in the field of AI, creativity and music to debate the different social, ethical, creative and technical challenges we face, music being an example of the spaces in which we will live with AI technologies. It will also be an opportunity to see new entrepreneurial models and opportunities in the music and creative industries.

The event will also include different workshops on musical creativity and Artificial Intelligence (AI), a round table and will end with a concert with the UAB chamber choir and the pianist and creator Carles Marigó.

Throughout the day, there will also be open doors at the AudioLab, from UAB Open Labs.


1-3pm Workshops
Location: Tarodequinze room

  • «Composició: ‘El Secret d’Ariadna’ Projecte de creació de la primera òpera en tres actes amb AI» Pere Pèries, composer, writer and playwright.
  • «Veu i artificialitat: un breu recorregut per les estètiques de la veu robotitzada» Jordi Roquer, professor in the Department of Art and Musicology at the UAB.
  • «L’àudio immersiu com a eina per a la preservació del patrimoni musical», Marco Antonio Juan de Dios Cuartas, professor in the Department of Musicology at the Complutense University of Madrid.
  • «Procés de creació d’un videoart realitzat íntegrament amb imatges d’IA» Joan Riedweg, director and producer of film, television and audiovisual products.

4pm Round table with artists, technologists and sociologists to discuss the application of artificial intelligence in music, the advantages and disadvantages.
Location: Sala de revistes

  • Pilar Dellunde, professor in the Department of Philosophy at the UAB.
  • Sergi Jordà, researcher at the Music Technology Group of Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona.
  • Joan Riedweg, director and producer of film, television and audiovisual products.
  • Cris Checa, artist of the electronic music duo Desert and technologist.
  • Moderator, David Casacuberta, researcher in the Philosophy Department of the UAB.

5pm Concert
Location: Auditori de la Facultat de Lletres

«SEED»: a staged concert based on the fictional idea of the birth of a being with artificial intelligence that communicates through sound. This proposal combines the talent of the UAB choir with the ia_muso system of Matthew Yee-King from Goldsmith University of London, to create a unique musical experience.