Some topics developed at SiMMaS
Windmill-like concentrators
We have investigated how a thin windmill-like ferromagnetic system can hugely concentrate a magnetic field at its core. We have described the different effects that provide this enhancement: the thickness of the device and its unique windmill-like geometry. The idea is to use the central part of the windmill as a sensor that would enhance its sensibility by a large factor due to the presence of the blades. Factors up to 150 times stronger than the applied field can be achieved.

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These windmill-like concentrators have been studied also in the dimensional transition from 3D to 2D. Their properties have been analysed in detail, both theoretically and experimentally. This is a collaborative work together with ICMAB-CSIC in Barcelona, Université de Liège (Belgium), University of Bath (UK), and CEITEC of Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic) in the context of the METAMAGIC project.

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