Active financed projects

Time: 3 years, from: 01/01/25 to: 31/12/27.
Principal Investigator: Coordinador:Manel Joan (IDIBAPS). IP: Miguel Chillon

Bringing Klotho protein as a new therapy against age-associated muscle degeneration
Funding Entity: Fundació Institut de Recerca HUVH. VHIR-FIT-24-002
Time: 1 year, from: 13/12/2024 to: 12/12/2025.
Principal Investigator: Joan Roig Soriano

Towards an effective and safe therapy for hormonal-deficiency osteoporosis based on klotho protein
Funding Entity: CaixaImpulse Innovation 2024. La Caixa. (CI24-20581)
Time: 2 years, from: 15/10/24 to: 14/10/26.
Principal Investigator: J. Roig.

Doctorado Industrial UAB-Asphalion
Funding Entity: Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i Recerca (AGAUR). 2024-DI00052
Time: 3 years, from: 01/08/24 to: 31/07/27.
Principal Investigator (UAB): M. Chillón.

The European Rare Diseases Research Alliance (ERDERA).
Funding Entity: Horizon Europe. European Union.
Time: 4 years, from: 01/09/24 to: 31/08/28.
Principal Investigator (Gene Therapy at VHIR): M. Chillón.

Use of chimeric chronokines for neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive impairments associated with aging
Funding Entity: Fundació Institut de Recerca HUVH. VHIR-PHD-2023-007
Time: 4 years, from: 01/02/2024 – 30/01/2028.
Principal Investigator: Miguel Chillon

Therapeutical modulation of the microglia-neuronal interaction by chronokines to treat chronic brain inflammation associated with aging. (μ−4-WELL-AGING).
Funding Entity: Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. (PID2022-142624OB-I00).
Time: 3 years, from: 01/09/23 to: 31/08/26.
Principal Investigators: B. Almolda & M. Chillón.

Development of a gene therapy strategy for ADSL Deficiency.
Funding Entity: Fundación ANTIAN (CB619758).
Time: 3 years, from: 01/01/24 to: 31/12/26.
Principal Investigator: M. Chillón.

Spanish Adenovirus Network: From basic Biology to Nanobiomedicine.
Funding Entity: MICINN: Acciones de dinamización “Redes de Excelencia” (RED2022-134221-T).
Time: 2 years, from: 01/06/23 to: 31/05/25.
Coordinator: Carmen San Martin (CSIC); Principal Investigator: M. Chillón.

Study and development of the first technological platform to assay adeno-associated viruses for gene therapy treatments.
Funding Entity: ISCIII y CDTI. CONVOCATORIA proyectos de i+d+i vinculados a la medicina personalizada y terapias avanzadas. PMPTA22/00048
Time: 2 years, from: 01/01/23 to: 30/06/25.
Coordinator: company Kymos; Principal Investigator: M. Chillón.

Advanced Therapies.
Funding Entity: ISCIII. Redes de Investigación Cooperativa Orientadas a Resultados en Salud (RICORS). RD21/0017/0008.
Time: 3 years, from: 01/01/22 to: 31/12/25.
Coordinator: Jose M Moraleda (FFIS); Principal Investigator: M. Chillón.

Development of a gene therapy strategy for SPG52.
Funding Entity: Asociación “La lucha de Abril”.
Time: 6 years, from: 01/02/20 to: 31/01/26.
Principal Investigator: M. Chillón.

Development of a gene therapy strategy for GNB1 Encephalopathy.
Funding Entity: Asociación “Gen Rebelde”.
Time: 5 years, from: 01/04/21 to: 31/03/26.
Principal Investigator: M. Chillón.
Recognitions & Awards

Transference Award UAB-2018 to M. Chillon
by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Catalunya.

Excellence Research Groups, Generalitat de Catalunya.
2021 SGR-00529
2017 SGR-01468
2014 SGR-01354
2009 SGR-01300
2005 SGR-00169

TECNIO Quality Accreditation by ACCIO (Generalitat de Catalunya). 2019: 15/03/2019 to 26/02/2025. 2025: 27/02/2025 to 29/12/2028
It certifies the high quality standards of services and procedures of the UPV.

ISO International Standards Certification by AENOR and IQNet . 23/08/2018.
This certifies the implementation of guidelines, policies and processes in compliance with the ISO 9001:2015 quality standards.
Completed projects (Last 5 years)

Personalized gene therapy for MECP2 using CRISPR/Cas9 technology together with AAV administration in 3D cell cultures and Kl mice.
Funding Entity: European Joint Programme-Rare Diseases and ISC-III EJP RD JTC 2020. AC20/00051.
Time: 3 years, from: 01/01/21 to: 31/10/24.
Coordinator: I. Meloni (Unisi, IT); Principal Investigator: M. Chillón.

Study of the effects of the chronokine Klotho in maintenance of myelin sheaths in a non-human primate model of aging.
Funding Entity: ALBA Synchrotron (Standard academic programme. FEDER funds)
Time: 6 months, from: 01/07/23 to: 31/12/23.
Principal Investigator: B. Almolda.

TECNIO: Vector Production Unit (UPV).
Funding Entity: ACCIO, Generalitat Catalunya
Time: 1 year, from: 01/01/23 to: 31/12/23.
Principal Investigator: M. Chillón.

Personalized Platform to analyze antiepileptics drugs.
Funding Entity: AGAUR. Modalitat A. Llavor Indústria del Coneixement.
Time: 1 year, from: 01/10/22 to: 30/09/23.
Principal Investigator: M. Chillón.

Recombinant HEBE: A chimeric Chronokine to rejuvenate the Brain.
Funding Entity: Programa Proof of Concept. Convocatoria 2020
Time: 1 year, from: 01/04/21 to: 31/03/22.
Principal Investigator: J.F. espinosa.

Vector Production Unit (UPV): Personnel for Technical Support (PTA).
Funding Entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación: PTA2019-017896-I.
Time: 3 years, from: 01/09/20 to: 30/08/23.
Principal Investigator: M. Chillón.

Molecular and functional characterization of new recombinant chimeric chronokines. Implications for cognitive decline associated with aging.
Funding Entity: Ministerio Ciencia Innovación. Proyectos I+D+i Retos Sociedad. PID2019-104034RB-I00.
Time: 3 years, from: 01/06/20 to: 31/05/23.
Principal Investigator: M. Chillón.

Development of new gene therapies based on inteins.
Funding Entity: Ministerio Ciencia Innovación. Retos Colaboración. RTC2019006879-1.
Time: 3 years, from: 01/01/20 to: 30/06/22.
Coordinator: Proteodesign. Principal Investigator: M. Chillón.

An innovative therapy for SARS-CoV2 based on circle RNAs (CIRCO-3).
Funding Entity: Fundación Santander
Time: 2 years, from: 01/06/20 to: 31/05/22.
Coordinator: Juana Díez (UPF). Principal Investigator: M. Chillón.

Development of a gene therapy strategy to treat the genetic forms of the Nephrotic Syndrome (AAV-Crb2).
Funding Entity: Ministerio Ciencia Innovación. Convocatoria CERVERA 2020: IDI-20200258
Time: 2 years, from: 01/05/20 to: 30/04/22.
Coordinator: Company Ninevah Therapeutics. Principal Investigator: M. Chillón.

Industrial Doctorate with Regi Jofre.
Funding Entity: AGAUR; 2018-DI-066.
Time: 4 years, from: 01/01/19 to: 31/12/22.
Principal Investigators: M. Chillon, A. Bosch, E. Rosell.