Mindful Collaboration: Shaping Care Strategies through Mental Health User Involvement

Research project description “Mindful Collaboration: Shaping Care Strategies through Mental Health User Involvement” is a transformative initiative focused on fostering a dynamic partnership between researchers and service users. The project recognizes the invaluable insights and experiences of mental health users, aiming to bridge the gap between theory and lived reality. Through a collaborative framework, individuals […]

Critical intersections of health, vulnerability, and discomfort in education: touching the students’ lives with arts-based autobiography to build a caring university community

Research project description For the last five years, we have been experimenting with the writing of autobiographical accounts with the university students enrolled in the Socio-Cultural Gender Studies Degree (UAB). Through the reconstruction of their previous experiences in education: family, primary and secondary school, friends and lovers, non-formal education and leisure, several experiences of pain, […]

Migrant´s mental healthcare and multilevel personal networks

Research project description PhD will investigate the social needs of the migrant populations living in Barcelona and experiencing mental illness, particularly after their migration.   Migrants can experience high levels of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder, compared to the local population due to their social isolation and loneliness, language barriers, economic deprivation and limited access […]