Research project description

PhD will investigate the potential of non-pharmacological interventions for enhancing healthy mental longevity grounded in Reminiscence Therapy. 

Strategies such as robotic assisted training will also be explored to provide cognitive stimulation and emotional support, especially in older people in residential settings.

By leveraging technological advancements, this research aims to unlock new pathways for improving therapeutic outcomes.

The project begins with a thorough evaluation of various non-pharmacological therapies, with special attention to reminiscence therapy and its impact on cognitive decline and emotional well-being in the elderly.

Taking this valuable knowledge into account, the study introduces a cutting-edge intervention that employs robots to facilitate reminiscence therapy sessions. These state-of-the-art robots are tailor-made to actively engage with the elderly during their therapy sessions. 

Academic background / Skills

Candidates must hold a degree that allows admission to the official doctoral programme at UAB.  

Additional requirements for a stronger application are: 

  • Bachelor’s degree in psychology, behavioral sciences, neuroscience, or related discipline.  
  • Master’s degree in clinical psychology, health informatics, digital health, or related disciplines were highly valued. Other disciplines in the context of the project will also be considered.  
  • Strong foundation in ethical considerations of healthcare, social and holistic interventions, especially with elderly population.  


  • Proficiency in designing rigorous research studies.  
  • Skills in data analysis, qualitative and quantitative.  
  • Desirable skills in human-centered design principles, codesign and cocreation methodologies.  

Research group/s description

The Health and Ageing Foundation UAB conducts activities in the fields of health sciences, ageing and social and health care. 

These activities are carried out through 5 organizational areas: 

1. Research in Health and Ageing 

2. Citizens and Patients 

3. Professional Development 

4. Consultancy and Ageing Projects 

5. Knowledge Management. 

Likewise, in accordance to its institutional mission, the Foundation will be able to provide services of management in health and social-health care institutions. 

Sara Domènech Pou, Cognitive Psychologist

Ramón Miralles Basseda, Geriatrics and Gerontology