Research project description

“Mindful Collaboration: Shaping Care Strategies through Mental Health User Involvement” is a transformative initiative focused on fostering a dynamic partnership between researchers and service users. The project recognizes the invaluable insights and experiences of mental health users, aiming to bridge the gap between theory and lived reality. Through a collaborative framework, individuals with direct experiences in mental health challenges actively participate in the development, refinement, and enhancement of care strategies and the investigation of (ill) mental health determinants. 

This project prioritizes inclusivity, ensuring that mental health users have a meaningful voice in shaping the policies and practices that directly impact their well-being. Workshops, focus groups, and interactive sessions create a space for open dialogue, allowing users to share their unique perspectives on care delivery, treatment modalities, community support structures, and research practices to unravel risk and resilience factors in the field of mental health. 

The project emphasizes a holistic approach to mental health, acknowledging the diverse needs and preferences of users. By incorporating user insights, the aim is to cultivate a more compassionate, personalized, and effective mental health care system. This collaborative endeavor not only empowers mental health users but also instills a sense of ownership and shared responsibility among all stakeholders. 

As a result of “Mindful Collaboration,” care strategies evolve beyond traditional frameworks, adapting to the evolving landscape of mental health understanding. The project envisions a future where mental health care is not only evidence-based but also deeply rooted in the collective wisdom of those who navigate the challenges firsthand. Ultimately, this initiative strives to create a more responsive, empathetic, and user-centric mental health support system, promoting the overall well-being and resilience of individuals on their mental health journey. 

Academic background / Skills

Candidates must hold a degree that allows admission to the official doctoral programme at UAB.  

Additional requirements for a stronger application are: 

  • Ability to integrate insights from psychology, sociology, healthcare, and user experience design. 
  • Interest in Public Participation 
  • Strong Communication Skills (Knowledge of Spanish will be valued) 
  • Ethical Awareness 
  • Commitment to Continuous Learning 
  • Experience in conducting groups and/or clinical interview and/or ecological momentary assessment will be valued 
  • Knowledge and/or experience in the field of mental disorders will be valued.  

Research group/s description

Person-Environment Interaction in Risk and Resilience for Mental Health research group integrates clinical practitioners from public mental health centers in Barcelona and world-leading clinical, developmental and genetics researchers (eg, T. Kwapil, M. van Ijzendoorn, S. Papiol, respectively). Our approach is characterized by a multi-level approach, integrating the study of person-level factors (eg, attachment style), environmental exposures (eg, childhood maltreatment & protective factors), and genetic variability factors that moderate the impact of environmental factors on the person. 

Barcelona Science and Technology Studies Group is a group devoted to the study of innovation processes and the role of technoscience in contemporary forms of social action. The group critically examines the non-neutral nature of technologies, highlighting their transformative effects. Engaging with the international STS community, the Barcelona Science and Technology Studies Group contributes to the broader discourse on the complex interplay between science, technology, and society.