Tradumàtica group started an experimental research in the field of translation technologies. It is the research that is currently being carried out in the framework of the TRACE project (TRaducción Asistida, Calidad y Evaluación/Assisted Translation, quality and evaluation, MEC, HUM/2006-04346/FIL). This project aims to evaluate the existing differences between the translations done with CAT tools and without them from a corpus of translations elaborated in different work environments by the same translators, all of whom are regular users of CAT tools.
The results the group wants to obtain are as follows:
- A corpus from English into Spanish with over 100,000 words produced in different environments, together with video tapings of the actions realised by the translators while translating.
- A methodology of analysis and comparison of translations elaborated by the same person in different environments and translations elaborated by different people in the same environment.
- Instruments developed in the group to evaluate and control the quality of the research.
- A corpus of quantitative data from the application of this methodology.
- Conclusions on the differences between the translations done in different environments and their causes.
- Guidelines to minimise these differences, both in the design of CAT tools and the translator’s work.
List of publications related to this project :
Sánchez-Gijón, Pilar; Biau, José Ramon; Cid, Pilar; Martín, Adrià; Mesa-Lao, Bartolomé; Orozco, Mariana; Torres-Hostench, Olga. "Traducción asistida, calidad y evaluación". In: Nuria Edo Marzá, Pilar Ordóñez López (eds.). El lenguaje de la ciencia y la tecnología. Castelló de la Plana: Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I, 2010.
Torres-Hostench, Olga; Biau, José Ramon; Cid, Pilar; Martín, Adrià; Mesa-Lao, Bartolomé; Orozco, Mariana; Sánchez-Gijón, Pilar. "TRACE:measuring the impact of CAT tools on translated texts". In: Lluïsa Gea, Isabel García Izquierdo i M. José Esteve (eds.). Linguistic and Translation Studies in Scientific Communication, Peter Lang, 2010, p. 255-276.
Martín, Adrià; Biau, José Ramon; Cid, Pilar; Mesa-Lao, Bartolomé; Orozco, Mariana; Sánchez-Gijón, Pilar; Torres, Olga."La interferencia lingüística en la traducción con y sin herramientas TAO: resultados preliminares del estudio piloto del proyecto TRACE". Actas de las Segundas Jornadas Internacionales de Traductología. Una mirada interdisciplinaria de la traducción. Córdoba: Centro de Investigación en Traducción,.2009. [9 p.] 1 CD-ROM.