Prof. Dr. Matthias M. Tischler

Matthias Martin Tischler was born in 1968 in Münchberg (Bavaria). He studied Medieval and Modern History, Applied Historical Sciences, Classical and Medieval Latin, and Romance Philology at the Universities of Heidelberg and Munich (1989‒1995). After completing a PhD on the genesis, transmission, and reception of Einhart’s Vita Karoli (Heidelberg 1998), he was a postgraduate fellow at the Institut Historique Allemand Paris (1998‒1999) and at the Zentrum für Mittelalterstudien of the University of Bamberg (1999‒2001). Later he worked as a research assistant, scientific collaborator and assistant professor at the Hugo von Sankt Viktor-Institut of the Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt am Main, and at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2001‒2009), where he also continued his studies on Islam (2003‒2005). After completing his habilitation thesis on the role and importance of the Bible in the Augustine community of Saint-Victor in Paris between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries (Dresden 2008‒2009), he continued with his research and teaching as an associate professor of Medieval History at the Technical University of Dresden (until 2012).
Since 2013, he has been a research professor of Medieval and Transcultural History at the Institut d’Estudis Medievals (IEM) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). In the academic year 2014/2015 he has been a visiting professor at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris. In the academic year 2015/2016 he has been a visiting fellow at the Medieval Institute of the University of Notre Dame, Indiana (USA).
Tischler is the founder and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Transcultural Medieval Studies (Berlin e. a.: de Gruyter, 2014 sqq.), and the co-editor of the series of critical editions Rarissima Mediaevalia: Opera Latina (Münster/W.: Aschendorff, 2003 sqq.).
His most important publications are Einharts Vita Karoli: Studien zur Entstehung, Überlieferung und Rezeption (MGH. Schriften, 48, I‒II). Hannover: Hahn, 2001, Die Christus- und Engelweihe im Mittelalter: Texte, Bilder und Studien zu einem ekklesiologischen Erzählmotiv (Erudiri Sapientia, 5). Berlin: Akademie, 2005, (together with Alexander Fidora) Christlicher Norden – Muslimischer Süden: Ansprüche und Wirklichkeiten von Christen, Juden und Muslimen auf der Iberischen Halbinsel im Hoch- und Spätmittelalter (Erudiri Sapientia, 7). Münster/W.: Aschendorff, 2011, (together with Michael Borgolte) Transkulturelle Verflechtungen im mittelalterlichen Jahrtausend: Europa, Ostasien, Afrika. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2012, and Die Bibel in Saint-Victor zu Paris: Das Buch der Bücher als Gradmesser für wissenschaftliche, soziale und ordensgeschichtliche Umbrüche im europäischen Hoch- und Spätmittelalter (Corpus Victorinum. Instrumenta, 6). Münster/W.: Aschendorff, 2014.


Matthias Tischler (IEM)

Matthias Martin Tischler (Academia)

Matthias M. Tischler (Wikipedia)