I have an MD and a PhD in Cognitive Science from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). My research involves empirical studies in neuroimaging, as well as theoretical issues in cognitive neuroscience. In addition, my interest in exploring ways to disseminate neuroscience has led me to participate in projects that have approached literature and the performing arts.
Currently, I am a Research Director at the Department of Psychiatry and Legal Medicine of the UAB, and director of the research group “Unitat de Recerca en Neurociència Cognitiva” (URNC), at the UAB, as well as of the “Neuroimaging of mental disorders” (GREEN) at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (lMIM), in Barcelona, Spain. The URNC and GREEN aim to apply neuroimaging techniques to the study of mental disorders, but also to study how the brain adapts to life challenges as diverse as motherhood or ideological radicalization. The URNC has been recognized as a consolidated research group by the Catalan government (2021 SGR 00121).
I have presented my research in scientific articles, but also in essays like Neuroscience without representations (Elsevier 2024), Somos lo que nos contamos (Ariel 2019), Paraula de Robot (Bromera, 2003), or The dissolution of mind (Rodopi 2002), I have also collaborated in science dissemination activities, especially in press and radio.
Throughout my career I have tried to cultivate links between the neurosciences and the humanities, and I have explored different ways of carrying it out (De botxins i gots d’aigua, Denes 2003, Joc net, Pagès Editors 2004). In recent years, I have had the privilege of collaborating on projects in the field of performing arts, such as Orion by the choreographer Cesc Gelabert (Teatre Lliure, 2007), the operas Casparo (Palau de la Música, 2011) and Fausto (La Monnaie, Brussels 2018), by my colleague Luc Steels, as well as a teaching and research project at the Eolia theater school.