WHOCOUNTS is a five-year project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) that aims to incorporate a ‘missing minority’ into official EU statistics to better understand the changing profile, drivers and depth of poverty across Europe.
The WHOCOUNTS project will develop and deploy new datasets on the social groups currently rendered invisible through official poverty statistics and policy evaluation in Europe. The use of adjusted and unadjusted data will improve estimates of poverty and nuanced understanding of who is most at risk of it and why.
Alongside conventional poverty and social policy analysis, our research aims to transform the conceptual, methodological and policy understanding of (deep) poverty.
The goal of the project is to correct for noncoverage error in official EU statistics to better understand (deep) poverty across Europe.
The project brings together social scientists with diverse expertise who share interest in the study of deep poverty and deprivation. The team includes senior researchers and postdoctoral fellows.