Quality training, quality service in accessible live events
The ACT project for its final conference (ACT Multiplier Event E1) is teaming up with the Unlimited! Symposium, which will take place in Barcelona on June 6th 2018, at the Residència d’Investigadors (Hospital, 64, 08001 Barcelona). Google Maps link.
The ACT project is working on the definition of a new professional profile, that of the “Media Accessibility Expert/Manager for the Scenic Arts”, and also on the various types of qualifications required for this profession in order to provide high quality training for professionals in the field. Unlimited!, held for the first time at the University of Antwerp in 2016, focuses on accessibility services in live events, both from a professional and research angle.
Read the Call for Papers and, if you want to submit a proposal, use the abstract submission form.
If you want to register for this event, use the registration form.
Speakers are strongly encouraged to follow the guidelines for making accessible presentations available on this link.
Organizing Committee
Anna Matamala, Pilar Orero, Jara Duro, Daniel Segura, Irene Tor-Carroggio.
Scientific Committee
Lina Bautista (Trànsit)
Dirk Crommelinck (NTGhent)
Sharon Black (Queen’s University Belfast)
Loli Jiménez (Generalitat de Catalunya)
Aline Remael (University of Antwerp)
Michael Reiner (ECQA)
Pilar Orero (UAB)
Fien Van Den Abeele (Inter)
Xiaochun Zhang (University of Vienna)