Flemsih Week of universal Design, 7 – 14th october 2016
From 7 to 14th October 2016 Inter and Equal Opportunities Flanders promote the concept of ‘Universal Design’ as a smart way to shape the environment. A whole week long you can join activities that put Universal Design and accessibility into the spotlight.
The aim is to convince Flemish users, professionals, policymakers… to work towards a fully accessible environment in Flanders. We give participation opportunities to people with disabilities, the elderly, parents with pushchairs, anyone for whom the environment can be a barrier.

During the week we take different actions in media and TV news under the campaign: ‘What Flemish people never say…’ 

More information: ‘Week of Universal design 2016’ (http://www.gelijkekansen.be/praktisch/campagnes/weekvanuniversaldesign.aspx )
You can download the campaign pictures (http://www.gelijkekansen.be/Portals/GelijkeKansen/WeekUD_Campagnebeelden.pdf )