Do you procure information and communication technology (ICT) solutions for your organization?
What standards do you use?
How can you ensure that the ICT solutions you procure are fully accessible and compliant with the most up to date standards?
What are your legal obligations under EU Public Directives and new and upcoming accessibility Web Accessibility Directives and European Accessibility Act?

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) wish to invite your organization to participate in the free online training on “Public Procurement of accessible ICT products and services” to be conducted on 7 November – 16 December 2016. This training is organized by the International Telecommunication Union in the framework of the Regional Initiative for Europe on Ensuring access to telecommunications/ICTs, in particular for persons with disabilities, adopted by the World Telecommunication Development Conference 2014 (WTDC-14). The training will be delivered in English through the ITU Academy Platform.
This course is designed to give public procurement specialists and business managers within the public sector the knowledge, skills and tools to procure ICT solutions that are accessible and usable by all people, including persons with disabilities. It will provide learners with the most up-to-date information on the relevant European and international standards, how to use them in public procurement processes as well advice on how to ensure the procured solution is fully complaint with these standards and legal obligations.

Accessible ICT is not just about compliance with standards and equality legislation – it’s about ICT solutions that work better, for everyone.

Learn how you can make a difference to the quality of the ICT solutions used by your organization and how. 

The delivery and structure of this continuous professional development course is designed for busy professionals who need the most up-to-date information and skills in a directed, but self-learning format.

The course will be delivered by ITU Expert Dónal Rice. Mr Rice previously worked as senior advisor on accessible ICTs within the Irish public service, has served on standards committees on accessible ICTs and and is a frequent speaker and lecturer on the public procurement of accessible ICTs. 

Feel free to register for the course at: